Burn the Ivory Towers to the Ground
What happens when dangerous and unproven scientific research techniques meet the military-industrial complex? Are modern research scientists still controlled by any code of ethics at all?
Dan Sirotkin is the co-author of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which settled a 50-year mystery and formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.
Over the coming months and years more human life is going to be lost than at any other point in history, by a very wide margin. To be fair there are a lot more people, but even proportionally the epic tsunami of death that’s already been triggered will still rival every other cataclysm our species has ever experienced.
There’s no running. There’s no high ground to escape to.
SARS-CoV-2 has now thoroughly infected every modern society on Earth, and it’s slow insidious digestion of our brains is going to create a situation far more frightening than instantly mutating new hosts into zombies. Because at least with zombies, the chain of cause-and-effect is straightforward, quick, and relatively avoidable.
“Don’t get bitten” is a lot different than “Don’t breathe too deep.”
Not a single person giving public policy advice can describe what this virus actually is, and yet due to the power of social trust - Tens of millions of Americans will be slowly and painfully choking to death on their own juices over the next few years because they’ve been listening to abject morons with billionaires’ arms shoved up their asses, puppeting them around to try and force our economic engine back into motion.
The emails below outlining the brazen lies and wanton immoral behavior from Alina Chan and Matt Ridley were sent to nearly 300 members of Harvard, MIT, and JHU’s biology departments about a year ago, shockingly not a single soul replied or expressed any concern about the facts laid out within them.
Dead bodies don’t bother American academics, only their funding and the size of their Twitter followings.
Millions are dead and hundreds of millions of more are set to follow over the coming years, and yet the entirety of America’s academic and scientific communities have absolutely no interest at all in the truth. They do not care about your dead relatives, they aren’t going to care about the empty grocery shelves, and at this point its pretty obvious that the scientific and academic communities are only interested in circling their wagons and counting their dollars.
And so the “scientists” the world has trusted to lead them out of this pandemic are still no closer to having a single useful answer about the nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, after being consistently wrong for two years.
All of which started when Tony Fauci and the rest of NIH’s leadership unilaterally decided to censor any discussion about a lab origin of the virus, singling out “serial passage” as the most likely gain-of-function technique used to create the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Of course even The Intercept isn’t going to cite the peer-reviewed work at the top of this article which lays out exactly how serial passage was likely used, which is nearly two years old now - because it too is owned by billionaires, and does not employ journalists but instead corporate whores who are far, ffaaaarrrr more interested in who their next expensive brunch if with than silly things like integrity and ethics, or dead strangers.
America is going to reap what she has sown.
To Whom It May Concern:
In September 2020, Alina Chan was the subject of an article which portrayed her as a lone maverick scientist looking into the possible lab origins of SARS-CoV-2. Despite being completely aware of its existence, Ms. Chan pretended like the peer reviewed and published paper about a lab origin which had been published in BioEssays in August 2020 written by my father and me did not exist at all. Although my last formal education in biology was taking AP Bio about 20 years ago, I am a former NSA counterterrorism analyst, and this paper was done alongside my father, Dr. Karl Sirotkin, here is his brief biography:
“A 40 year PhD in Microbiology and designer of dbSNP, with nearly 20 years of molecular wet-work who'd previously taught molecular virology at the University of Tennessee and worked within the Theoretical Biology Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. At the time of his retirement from government service, he had more years working for GenBank than any other staff member - with his 28 years of service on the world's premiere DNA sequencing database making him one of the most experienced scientists on the planet when it comes to managing and analyzing genomic sequences.”
Ms. Chan's refusal to act like a responsible and ethical member of the scientific community, and defer to the primacy of the already published scientific research, was compounded when after continually refusing to engage with our paper at all she made the public statement on Twitter aimed at press covering the pandemic that: "You have to decide what peer review means to you. You can't criticize some peer-reviewed papers as bogus while also saying 'my paper is peer-reviewed why isn't everyone citing me? My opinion is to let the journalists/sci writers make their own judgement. Peer reviewed or not."
By encouraging the press at large to ignore the process and importance of peer reviewed publication, Ms. Chan makes it clear that she has no interest in being an honest member of the wider scientific community, and given her open association with Harvard/MIT reflects on your institutions as well. And she corrodes the very underpinnings of a functioning society, which relies upon institutional trust between the journalistic scientific communities and publication processes.
This is finally demonstrated by her apparent drive to have me placed back in prison, as there have been indications from multiple people that Ms. Chan has contacted them to tell them about my criminal past, something I already served many years in prison for and paid my debt and completed therapy for, however Ms. Chan seems to be intent on informing people of that past and trying to somehow make that relevant to the scientific discussion at hand. My charges involved my relationship with a teenage girl who I had known for years and became far too close to, to the point where the relationship became intermittently sexual, they have nothing to do with any sort of institutional dishonesty or stealing or cheating.
And once the police called me in for questioning I confessed fully and did whatever I could to make the case fade from public awareness as quickly as possible. My life is not my own, but my crime was, and I paid for it with 1,300 days of my life and a public stigma that has made it impossible for me to so much as hold down a job as a waiter for more than the six-months it takes my charges to get out at a new restaurant.
But apparently not only does Ms. Chan consider herself an independent auditor of scientific truth, she also considers herself some sort of extrajudicial authority who doesn't believe that the sex offender registry and the public results of a googling of my name is enough warning to people about the dire threat I apparently pose.
Since I am still on probation, and given the nature of Ms. Chan's apparent attacks and how delicate the legal existence is for any convicted sex offender on probation, my attorney has advised me to let your institutions know about the nature of her behavior, since we may be filing suit against her and the institutions she represents if this behavior persists or worsens. Thank you for your time and consideration
-Dan Sirotkin, Lowell House '05
P.S. Make sure to wave to all of the reporters BCCed on this.
To Whom it may Concern:
In light of your silence, Alina Chan’s behavior has now grown from unprofessional and unethical, into apparently dabbling with a coordinated conspiracy to cover-up the worst war crime in human history. As demonstrated by the enclosed file, Ms. Alina Chan and “Matt,” another foreign national who may or may not look like an STD angrily growing on Voldemort’s scrotum, approached at least one of our co-authors and tried to get my father and I removed from a paper we all co-authored together that covers the origins of this pandemic.
Under normal circumstances this would simply be unethical, however the work my father and I have been publicly publishing since January 2020 has been exposing what is very obviously a cover-up by the Chinese government and other corporate and governmental interests, and always has been. The day the Lancet Letter was dropped, I identified it as part of a foreign disinformation campaign, and once upon a time, I had TS/SCI clearance and I do in fact know what counterintelligence is and what an op looks like, and my assertion was later proven correct after the USRTK’s FOIA efforts. Wonder why they bothered to make those FOIAs in the first place?
Something that Elizbeth Warren’s office was pretty impressed with, since I met one of her top aides in Pennypacker 44 way back when, and she’s been following this from the start. And there’s been some turnover, but some folks on the National Security Council are even more eager to see what happens next – since at some point I’ll be proven wrong? It just hasn’t happened yet.
So it’s now “Matt” and Alina Chan, two foreign nationals, who are now apparently working together in a coordinated effort to suppress the warnings my father and I are sounding about how dangerous this obviously engineered virus could truly prove since there’s no way to predict the behavior of an engineered virus, and have our ideas removed from public view in a wildly unethical and ongoing attempt to spin the narrative, and protect the financial interests of war criminals. Sure, although being obviously and inarguably unethical, this is technically legal - however in a few months I, uh, expect it will be shown to be part of a coordinated disinformation campaign among several foreign nationals, which Ms. Chan is aiding and abetting while representing a publicly funded institution, in an effort to subvert the interests and security of the United States Government, and kill American citizens.
See the thing is: Its Foreign Nationals all the way down, meanwhile both my father once held a Q clearance, and I was granted TS/SCI at 18. While at Harvard, studying Arabic as an employee of Fort Meade, where I would intern every summer, and then work a bit before leaving in 2006 to write a book about how America’s existence could never be threatened by scary brown outsiders coming to kill us all, but that America’s racial wealth inequalities would inevitably lead to social unrest and the sort of internal urban insurgency that’s typically described as “terrorism,” using the DC Sniper as a template. What a stupid idea, RIGHT? That’s definitely not something that other people in the United States Government are currently talking to me about, the fact that 15 years ago I basically predicted the current societal gyre of violence.
But if y’all want to hide behind “academic freedoms, blah blah blah,” uh yeah – you’ve been aware of Alina Chan’s blatant academic misconduct for months, and done nothing. And the thing about Foreign Nationals, is that in a counterintelligence investigation, they in no way have the same legal protections as US Citizens during a typical civil or criminal investigation. And what was really hilarious, was being at Fort Meade every summer after 9/11, and flipping through the book of FISA warrants (something the communications of Foreign Nationals are always totally open to being hit with) and… I mean I guess in theory a judge can reject a request, but not one that I ever saw. National Security and all that, I suppose.
So you people can pretend this isn’t happening, and wait for the class-action lawsuits that are coming to take every single penny of your endowments once the general public sees the court cases that demonstrate your institutions have been knowingly and willingly aiding and abetting two Foreign Nationals who will be eventually demonstrated to be functioning as foreign intelligence operatives attempting to cover-up war crimes. But there’s a chance now to pretend to have a spine and actually do something to expose this, and save a few lives. Since the government takes freaking forever to do anything, and meanwhile more people are going to die.
Although the name of the sender has been masked, this attached image is in fact from one of our coauthors, and is exactly what I am saying it is. The government has the full copy and can verify its providence, however they know you’re getting all this and so pleading ignorance to an ongoing intelligence operation being run with your schools as fronts by multiple foreign nationals, is no longer an option. All the millions and millions of dollars that’re being promised for the Broad Institute?
They’re obviously trying, but luckily no dollar amount can buy the truth, or pay for the lives of the millions and millions who have already died, while schools like Harvard and MIT stand by and watch – doing nothing, and in fact helping the people who want further profit form mass death. Veritas, my chunky white behind.
There is no gray area here, clearly you people are more than happy to ignore basic academic ethics so long as the money is still rolling in, but ignoring someone appearing to aid and abet war criminals attempting to cover their tracks while millions of innocent people die? It’s weird having to explain this to you people: But the reason small rules like academic ethics exist, is you cannot break them without opening the door to things like war crimes and millions of dead grandparents. So have fun with that, oh yeah and while you’re deciding what to do: SAY HI TO YOUR MOTHERS FOR ME!!
Daniel M. Sirotkin, Lowell House ‘05
Thanks to your writings (but not only), I began to look much more dimly on the future of this pandemic. The vaxxed are totally screwed and the unvaxxed possibly less so, but with covid endlessly festering in the vaxed the unvaxed will be also infected repeatedly, just less often,
And yes no telling what it will be once it goes through gatekeeping mutations.
About "Covid kills immunity" or "covid kills brains", the evidence is concerning, but not yet completely convincing. (tell me if I am wrong) I am more inclined towards covid killing immunity being more conclusive as of now and this is why I am scared of repeat covids.
Anyway, if the wuhan strain was a LAV, glad I had it in Nov 2020, I cannot hide form it
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