Back in January 2020, my dad and I tried to sound the alarm - But traitors throughout the American government made sure we were silenced, and so you watched your loved-ones die preventable deaths.
This will be the first of many comments. I will be savoring each one, and not rushing to put them here. Do reply and ask any questions that you have. Because he is so well known, the piece, which has been published in many places, one of which was
He has this completely inaccurate statement in his Acknowledgements:
The first person to take a serious look at the origins of the SARS2 virus was Yuri Deigin, a biotech entrepreneur in Russia and Canada. In a long and brilliant essay, he dissected the molecular biology of the SARS2 virus and raised, without endorsing, the possibility that it had been manipulated. The essay, published on April 22, 2020, provided a roadmap for anyone seeking to understand the virus’s origins
First I will assert that posting with a name identical or similar to the posting here, obviously limited to events known by January, 2020, which was plenty serious predates Yuri's essay by months. It seems to me that because of Wades linking to Dan's takedown of the gravely flawed Anderson political pseudo science with "A technical critique of the Andersen letter takes it down in harsher words." linking to here:
Unless he is incompetent, he would have known about our earlier publication. Possible incompetence aside, what is it called when someone states something they know to be untrue?
Oh yes, and he was way too arrogant to have responded to my questioning him about this by email.
I guess if this is one comment, I really should split them up, or they might be too long to read. Feel free to reply and I would be happy to engage in discussion about this.
, indicating that your above essay is a "must-read" and quoting the first 8 paragraphs (which made me laugh out loud -- thanks). But I got an "Access Denied" and my comment was blocked, with the reason being "Comments and xmirpc [whatever that means] are being blocked on this site." Oh, well ...
Oh, assuming the below email was not spoofed, and I have no reason to believe that it was, it provides additional verification of the dates. I think we have mainly talked about NIH funding of Ecohealth Alliance, and not Bill Gates, but Peter is not known for accuracy in my mind. Plus it is somehow amusing, and this pandemic is so horrible, consider this just a humorous interlude.
Just another verification and calling out, about the paragraph, above:
David Asher was well aware that our work had been in front of the National Security Council since early 2020, so then why did he pretend like we didn’t exist when it came to telling the media about it, never once mentioning our names or our work? Why has he worked with Jamie Metzl and the rest of DRASTIC to erase everything my father and I have done from history?
I can verify that Mr Asher reported he knew about the report as reported above and that once the laboratory origin was no longer considered a conspiracy theory, that he would make sure that Dan got credit. Any request for confidentiality is forfeit given the about of time that has gone by and his inaction.
Metzl has properly cited the Sirotkins' work 3 times on his webpage listed by Moonspinner, did he not previously? It does say he updates the webpage on a regular basis
This will be the first of many comments. I will be savoring each one, and not rushing to put them here. Do reply and ask any questions that you have. Because he is so well known, the piece, which has been published in many places, one of which was
He has this completely inaccurate statement in his Acknowledgements:
The first person to take a serious look at the origins of the SARS2 virus was Yuri Deigin, a biotech entrepreneur in Russia and Canada. In a long and brilliant essay, he dissected the molecular biology of the SARS2 virus and raised, without endorsing, the possibility that it had been manipulated. The essay, published on April 22, 2020, provided a roadmap for anyone seeking to understand the virus’s origins
First I will assert that posting with a name identical or similar to the posting here, obviously limited to events known by January, 2020, which was plenty serious predates Yuri's essay by months. It seems to me that because of Wades linking to Dan's takedown of the gravely flawed Anderson political pseudo science with "A technical critique of the Andersen letter takes it down in harsher words." linking to here:
Unless he is incompetent, he would have known about our earlier publication. Possible incompetence aside, what is it called when someone states something they know to be untrue?
Oh yes, and he was way too arrogant to have responded to my questioning him about this by email.
I guess if this is one comment, I really should split them up, or they might be too long to read. Feel free to reply and I would be happy to engage in discussion about this.
LOL. I tried to post a comment on Jamie Metzl's website at his "Origins of SARS-CoV-2" link that he updated on Oct 21 --
, indicating that your above essay is a "must-read" and quoting the first 8 paragraphs (which made me laugh out loud -- thanks). But I got an "Access Denied" and my comment was blocked, with the reason being "Comments and xmirpc [whatever that means] are being blocked on this site." Oh, well ...
Metzl has properly cited the Sirotkins' work 3 times on his webpage, did he not previously? It does say he updates the webpage on a regular basis
My point in October was that Metzl appeared to be too much of a weenie to post my comment on his webpage.
Oops, my comment’s for the Sirotkins, will repost my reply to one of them
Oh, assuming the below email was not spoofed, and I have no reason to believe that it was, it provides additional verification of the dates. I think we have mainly talked about NIH funding of Ecohealth Alliance, and not Bill Gates, but Peter is not known for accuracy in my mind. Plus it is somehow amusing, and this pandemic is so horrible, consider this just a humorous interlude.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr. Peter Daszak, VIRUS NEWS<>
Date: Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 7:42 AM
Subject: Ok you got me, I’m busted
To: <>
Ok you caught me, but please let me do my work. I’ve got to continue or else Bill & Melinda won’t pay my kids tuition.
Best Regards,
Dr. Peter Daszak, PhD
Office (212)380-4473
460 West 34th Street - 17th Floor,
New York, NY 10001-2320
[fixed a typo in first post]
Just another verification and calling out, about the paragraph, above:
David Asher was well aware that our work had been in front of the National Security Council since early 2020, so then why did he pretend like we didn’t exist when it came to telling the media about it, never once mentioning our names or our work? Why has he worked with Jamie Metzl and the rest of DRASTIC to erase everything my father and I have done from history?
I can verify that Mr Asher reported he knew about the report as reported above and that once the laboratory origin was no longer considered a conspiracy theory, that he would make sure that Dan got credit. Any request for confidentiality is forfeit given the about of time that has gone by and his inaction.
Metzl has properly cited the Sirotkins' work 3 times on his webpage listed by Moonspinner, did he not previously? It does say he updates the webpage on a regular basis