Only Yahweh’s Breath Can Save Us Now
Why the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic is yet another manifestation of the Angel of Death, which can only be stopped with an ancient weapon pulled from a stone.
Dan Sirotkin is the co-author of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which settled a 50-year mystery and formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.
In one of the only moments in the Old Testament where biblical miracle and recorded history dovetail perfectly, in 722BCE the besieging Assyrian armies of King Sennacherib were destroyed by a plague before they could conquer Jerusalem, and finish their destruction of the Children of Israel.
Jerusalem’s destruction seemed all-but-assured, the Assyrian army appeared untouchable as it thoroughly and lavishly sacked the neighboring city of Lachish, immortalized by the reliefs that King Sennacherib had commissioned to dedicate that victory - perhaps made especially grand and detailed considering what happened to his army when it attempted to take Jerusalem a few weeks afterwards.
Assyria’s Sennacherib was apparently unaware of the fact that Jerusalem had been chosen in the first place because the Holiest of Holies - the geological formation also known as the Well of Souls - has at its center the Foundation Stone also known as the Pierced Stone, named for the notable hole, a solfatara in one corner.
Solfataras are specific types of fumaroles, basically holes in the ground that emit volcanic gasses. And so the hole in the corner of Jerusalem’s Pierced Stone can tell us everything we need to know about stopping the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, but to be able to understand those lessons you’ll need the ancient lost secrets behind why Jerusalem’s location was chosen in the first place.
Secrets that also explain the only possible way to stop to the newest plague to emerge to smite humanity, the rodent-borne monkeypox emerging in every vermin-infested city - yet another slowly unraveling nightmare joining our ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.
Prior to its purchase by King David, the site that would become arguably the holiest in the entire world - both the holiest for Judaism and the third-holiest for Islam - was simply a threshing floor, a place where wheat was separated from chaff. However there was one thing notable about it, since it’d been at this particular threshing floor where an ancient God-sent plague came to a sudden and inexplicable halt, as we learn in the twenty-fourth chapter of second Samuel:
15 So the Lord sent a plague on Israel from that morning until the end of the three days, and seventy thousand of the people from Dan to Beersheba died. 16 When the angel stretched out his hand to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord relented concerning the disaster and said to the angel who was afflicting the people, “Enough! Withdraw your hand.” The angel of the Lord was then at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
The first clue is that this wasn’t just a random plague sent by Yahweh in a fit of rage, it was explicitly sent as punishment - King David had ordered a census to be taken of all the fighting men in his kingdom, against what he knew were direct heavenly wishes. This connection, between gathering military men together and plagues, is one of the steadier immunological constants throughout recorded history.
Human influenza can be traced with reasonable certainty back to the Trojan War over 3,000 years ago, the first time it appears to enter the historical record with any reliability. A millennium or two later around the time of the Late Bronze Age Collapse of 1200BCE, smallpox would leave its scars on a mummified Pharaoh, and other diseases suspected to be tularemia and the plague would ravage those ancient battlefields as the ancient order around the Mediterranean collapsed into calamity.
Once the Roman Empire emerged, its armies also eventually fell victim, along with the empire itself, to wave after wave of diseases. One of the most lethal, the Antonine Plague, was thought to have started during the siege of a Mesopotamian city and then spread across the entire Empire - likely smallpox or one of its close relatives helping bring another Empire into its grave.
And over 500 years after the English Sweat emerged to cripple the British military machine, the world’s militaries would still be battling disease as much as each other, and in 1954 the U.S. Navy and Marines would begin their influenza vaccination programs since the inescapably packed conditions of ocean-bound naval vessels made for giant Petri dishes. Packed conditions that mimicked the conditions found on commercial animal farms – making an airborne pathogen like influenza the primary concern since by the 20th century, modern militaries have largely learned to remove intermediate animal vectors like mice.
However in the time of the ancient Israelites, mice were still very much a thing and would’ve invariably gathered at locations like threshing floors, which were likely to have a few stray grains lying about. So after an ancient virus thoroughly infected a densely populated mouse population, when conditions were right and with enough transmission and population density the virus would be sent into a highly-pathogenic state, and like an avian flu escaping off a poultry farm and similar to grasshoppers transforming into locusts, gain the ability to jump into human hosts that it’s been in close contact with.
Since mice inevitably infested well-equipped ancient armies, they were particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon. So what made the Holiest of Holies so peculiarly holy, what could’ve caused an ancient viral mouse-born plague to come to a sudden halt right where you’d expect to find a bunch of really fat and happy mice feeding on spare grains?
The same thing that drew the ancient Israelites to Jerusalem in the first place: Yahweh’s breath.
The Torah, the five oldest books of the Bible collected together, has a much older name according to some traditions: The Book of Memories. After all, just like our lineage hasn’t followed a straight line over the past two-million years as convergent mutations have created the fractal reality of our humanity which was spread all across the face of the planet after we bloomed away from all four corners of the Roof of the World like spokes stretching from the wheel of our shared fate, the process of a spiritual movement coalescing as an organized religion with one holy book isn’t a straight line either:
“The Hebrew Bible is a vast compendium of writings, spanning a thousand-year period from roughly the twelfth to the second centuries BCE, and representing perhaps a small slice of the writings of that period. The texts are often overwritten by later texts, creating a complex pastiche of text, reinterpretation, and commentary. The religion and culture of ancient Israel are expressed by these texts and, in no small part, also created by them, as various texts formulate new or altered conceptions of the sacred past.
This mode of inquiry was initiated in the nineteenth century with Ernest Renan’s argument that national identity depends on “the possession in common of a rich legacy of memories,” even as those memories are inevitably laced with the unhistorical: “Forgetting, I would even go so far as to say historical error, is a crucial factor in the creation of a nation.”
And so to prevent forgetting, rhyme and song were the first mechanisms we used to preserve our oldest tales. Like all spiritual movements of thousands of years ago, Judaism started off as an oral tradition, passed along in stories and psalms. Some of which are still sung today, like the Song of the Seas, which is also commonly known as The Song of Moses, commemorating the last watery phase of the Israelites’ exodus out of Egypt, possibly right around 1200BCE. And it’s a fairly unique part of the Bible since:
The Song of the Seas is noted for its archaic language. It is written in a style of Hebrew much older than that of the rest of Exodus. A number of scholars consider it the oldest surviving text describing the Exodus, dating to the pre-monarchic period.
And oddly enough, in one of the Old Testament’s many anachronisms, this poem even appears to be older than the passages that describe the Ten Plagues of Egypt that occur before it, leading up to this moment when the Pharaoh's armies are swallowed by the Reed Sea. In case you were expecting the “Red Sea,” that’s yet another mistranslated historical oversight: As just like the Egyptian Pharaoh isn’t actually named within Exodus, we don’t know which shallow Reed Sea is actually being referred to in this story - so perhaps the Reed Sea of Egyptian afterlife is being invoked as a hint for later historians.
Like you’d expect after needing multiple miracles to escape certain death, this song gives extensive praise to their savior: Yahweh. A name for God that isn’t directly revealed to humans until Moses is chosen, high up in the mountains hanging out with a suspiciously burning bush that definitely wasn’t cannabis at all.
So if the Song of the Seas is the oldest section of the Old Testament, it too speaks to a god who seems to be nominally detached from the earlier portions of the Good Book. And there’s more to the puzzle: A close reading of this song and the surrounding text indicates that it’s definitely Moses’s sister Miriam and other women doing significant singing, and so the suggestion’s been made that the oldest surviving text of the Bible should actually be named The Song of Miriam, suggesting an important role for women that isn’t carried throughout the rest of the Torah.
Isn’t it strange that the oldest sections of the Torah have the Israelis praising Yahweh - a god with an explicitly non-Hebrew name - who’s red-hot with a rage that burns his enemy up like straw, and then blasts a pursuing chariot army with a surging wall of water? Shouldn’t the oldest psalms have recorded the oldest events?
If nothing else, this is obviously a song that was well-known to all of the ancient Israelites singing it at the time, it’s not something that has just sprung to them fully-formed out of nowhere during their crossing. Meaning they already knew these words before their singing began, and so where did they first learn the words to this song, about a fiery god destroying his foes with surging walls of water, if it’s already supposed to predate everything in the Old Testament to begin with?
In 1780BCE, the same Campanian Caldera responsible for a massive detonation of roughly 40,000ya that’s timed with homo sapiens consolidation as the last hominid species would send a massive plinian belch out of Mount Vesuvius, far larger than the one that eradicated Pompeii two millenia later. This Avellino eruption of 1780BCE is now modeled as a worst-case scenario for Vesuvius, but luckily for many of those around the mountainous volcano, at least some of them seemed to sense something coming:
A decisive proof of a massive exodus is the extraordinary discovery of thousands of human and animal footprints found in scattered probes within an area of a few squared kilometers in the surge deposit located about 15 km north-by-northwest of Vesuvius and only 7 km outside metropolitan Naples.
So it was the thousands of people in the tens of settlements around the Bay of Naples who would’ve been subject to the most proximate effects of Mt. Vesuvius’s Avellino eruption, and been forced to flee out across all directions of the map. Some traveled by land to the north, others certainly fled across the coasts and waters south along the Italian boot and out into the Mediterranean to safety. And so it’s easy to imagine that a memory of this event was carried among the survivors, especially among any communities that remained among the Mediterranean's many volcanic islands.
1800BCE also aligns with a transition among the Minoans on Crete, whose middle period of palace-building appears to have come to an end right as Vesuvius popped, probably due to climate change combined with the earthquakes that appears to have wrecked the Palace of Knossos, as well as several others. And the Minoans would be subject to yet another explosion not too many generations later, as although modern scientists can’t pin down an exact date: At some point around 1500BCE, what was once the island of Thera - the first island to Crete’s north, on the southern edge of the Cyclades Islands - was shattered into three pieces by the underwater detonation of a caldera with a force four to five times larger than the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883 which created a drop in global temperatures and rainbowed sunsets for years, and spewed ash all across Asia.
Likewise the volcanic detonation at what used to be Thera sent a layer of ash across Europe, and split the island into three small remnants. One of these islets is now called Santorini, whose name is often conflated with the old Minoan city of Akrotiri, which appears to also have been successfully evacuated before the blast, since no human remains at all have been found on any of these three smaller islands, what’s left of the island Thera.
These evacuations, or exoduses, are particularly remarkable when you consider that about two-thousand years later in 79AD when Mount Vesuvius most notoriously erupted, absolutely none of the theoretically much more advanced Romans living in Pompeii had any idea and pretty much all of them are assumed to have been killed by the pyroclastic flows.
But what can tie the most ancient part of the Old Testament, the Song of the Seas, not just to those historical volcanic cataclysms - but also the hidden secrets of Jerusalem, and put an end to the plague of SARS-CoV-2 that’s already descended upon all of our houses?
On a fundamental molecular level, SARS-CoV-2 has been becoming more thermodynamically stable as it gets closer to its original form, allowing initial infections to more easily penetrate deeper into host bodies. And this thermodynamic stability also translates into structural stability, allowing the virus to exist for longer and longer on surfaces, as the newer Omicron variant lasts between three and five times longer than earlier strains depending on the surface they’re being tested on.
This is correlated with how much more robustly airborne our novel coronavirus is compared to the flu, since while influenza is inactivated just floating around in the air after just thirty minutes it takes SARS-CoV-2 days to become inactivated in typical commercial air. A phenomenon that likely contributes to the fact that the Omicron variant is now seven-times more lethal than influenza in Hong Kong’s children.
And while the virus is growing sturdier, it’s also regaining more of its highly-pathogenic capabilities and gaining the ability to infect new mammalian hosts. Newer variants are beginning to show the ability to infect hosts ranging from mice, marmosets, and koalas all the way to rats and civets. Jumping into rats is an inevitability that’s turned every urban sewer on earth into white-hot forges for new swarming variants, and other mutations waiting to happen have the potential to increase binding by one-thousand fold. And beginning to explore a jump into civets is a reminder that they were incorrectly identified as the original host for the first SARS - all samples jumped from humans into civets, not the other way around - a chimeric virus with roughly a 15% mortality rate.
There is nothing slowing this reversion down, the futility of all the vaccination programs is even more apparent than it was a year ago, as new studies “suggest that SARS-CoV-2 is diverging into distinct serological phenotypes and that vaccines tailored to one variant may become vulnerable to infections with another." And due to the emergence of new serotypes, the first step for ADE, it already appears as if troublesome infection-enhancing antibodies are emerging in spike-protein gene-therapy recipients who are exposed to newer variants - while ADE didn’t appear with exposure to the original Wuhan strain, even just the Delta variant was already beginning to use ADE against us.
Because the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a deattenuating live-attenuating vaccine (LAV), over the past years each and every transmission event has served to help it get closer to its original strongest form, like the T-1000 slowly but inevitably reassembling itself from millions of flecks of mercury back into a fully murderous Terminator.
When it first began to transmit the only other animal it could jump into easily besides us was farmed mink, an overlapping species with the lab ferrets used for vaccine attenuation - the process that created our friendly neighborhood novel coronavirus. If Bill Gates and other billionaires didn’t literally own each and every media outlet with any meaningful reach, this would’ve blown the pandemic’s source open almost immediately: There is simply no explanation for the immediate jump into tens of millions of mink across several continents other than the reality the virus had just finished getting polished on their close relatives, lab ferrets.
However over the course of the past two years, the collective journalistic and academic communities have allowed themselves to get turned into propaganda cum-dumpsters for whoever’s paying the most, and so almost nothing has been done to stem transmission of this virus. So now after untold trillions of transmission events all across the world, SARS-CoV-2 has now jumped into rodents, frying their immune systems just like it does ours.
SARS-CoV-2 has begun targeting white blood cells, the immune system’s defenders, by disrupting their basic metabolic functions. Our novel coronavirus has also been observed reactivating endogenous retroviruses within white blood cells, something that also occurs as HIV develops into AIDS, attacking helpful T-cells in a similar fashion to HIV, and also invading our white blood cells without even needing to use ACE2.
As rodent immune systems get weakened by this virus just like ours have been, opportunistic infections which are typically held at bay by healthy hosts are going to emerge: As we’re now witnessing, as a rodent-borne pox is once again the form chosen by the Angel of Death, just like it was so many thousands of years ago.
And so once again, it is only Yahweh’s breath that can save us.
These four masks weren’t carved out of just any stones, they were carved out of the karsted rocks that would become Jerusalem’s walls and windows, forged by similar eternal forces to those that created the Tibetan Plateau over many millions of years. Karst can be found wherever enough time and water have passed to erode the limestone and gypsum near the surface away, leaving behind the signature grottos and underground caves, nearly always the signatures of volcanism during times gone by.
And although the chemistry that results from volcanism is incredibly complex and nuanced, one constant is the involvement of sulfur with all things volcanic, which leaves behind lots of gypsum rocks like those used to craft the windows of the Dome of the Rock, the Muslim name for the sanctuary of the Holiest of Holies. Hydrogen sulfide, more commonly known as brimstone historically, has a distinct rotten-egg smell when it concentrates in the air, and so its smell is generally associated with the sinister forces of evil. And at higher concentrations it does become toxic, however at low doses hydrogen sulfide is anything but bad for you, and other gasses such as ethene and nitric oxide are also found around active volcanic regions.
Ethene gas is highly reactive with our brains, and has been used to help explain the ceremony around the Greek oracles of Delphi fame, since this region of Greece hosts the same solfataras - fumaroles that release hydrogen sulfide - as the eastern region of the Mediterranean, which is also often accompanied by ethene and other reactive gasses. However you don’t need a bunch of virgins stoned on ethene and speaking in riddles to benefit from volcanic gasses, since the ubiquitous sulfuric gas does a lot more than stink, and around volcanic vents it’s often accompanied by it’s more presentable but also acidic buddy, nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide was thought to mostly get fixed in the environment whenever Zeus gets real pissy, however in addition to lightning, turns out that volcanic activity also fixes enormous amounts of nitric oxide into the environment - with huge implications for everything from fertilizing crops to protecting our brains. And at significant concentrations sulfur quickly becomes repellant to us, however at lower concentrations it turns out sulfur can do an enormous amount of good for our brains, alongside nitric oxide:
“Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Nitric Oxide (NO) have become recognized as important gaseous signaling molecules with enormous pharmacological effects, therapeutic value, and central physiological roles. NO is one of the most important regulators of the pathophysiological condition in the central nervous system. It is critical in the various [functions] of the brain; however, beyond certain concentrations, it is toxic. H2S was regarded as toxic gas with the smell like rotten egg. But, it is now regarded as emerging neuroprotectant and neuromodulator.”
We produce both compounds naturally inside of our bodies through metabolic processes, for instance inside of our brain where it’s naturally metabolized, nitric oxide plays a vital role in learning and memory, the sleep-wake cycle, and circulation, as well as other functions. So it shouldn’t be too surprising that imbalanced levels of nitric oxide appear to play a role in the formation of Alzheimer’s Disease, and the occurrence of strokes.
Nor should it have been all that surprising when inhaling nitric oxide was neuroprotective for rats and mice undergoing cardiac arrest. This led to further experiments about it’s possible neuroprotective effects from any sort of brain injury, and the revelations that:
This gasotransmitter is also associated to normalize capillary blood flow, improvement of delivery of oxygen, prevention and reversal of cerebral vasospasm, mitochondrial respiration, development of healthy brain, myelination, and protective role after peripheral nerve injury.
However just like hydrogen sulfide becomes stinky and toxic at higher concentrations, so too does nitric oxide have another side to its beneficial blade - killing brain cells at high concentrations. And mirroring nitric oxide’s duality, hydrogen sulfide not only plays an incredibly active role in our brains, but also helps regulate our cardiovascular and urological functioning. Plus much like nitric oxide, inhaling sulfuric gasses also seemed to help stave off the effects of Alzheimer's Disease.
Sulfur’s benefits go beyond just inhalation though, as being immersed in sulfur-rich spa-waters also seemed to stop the progress of Alzheimer’s Disease, and injecting it in rats suffering from traumatic brain injuries - suffered entirely accidentally, surely - was highly neuroprotective and helped reduce memory impairment. But most specifically to humans and importantly to our shared story, the emergence of Huntington’s Disease appears to follow the loss of the enzyme that produces hydrogen sulfide in our brains, so as this enzyme fades away so does our brain’s endogenous hydrogen sulfide - allowing Huntington’s to progress as it slowly kills its hosts by stripping away their nervous systems down to nothing.
And humanity may have been searching for the faint odor of lightly-concentrated hydrogen sulfide for a very old reason: Turns out that in extremely low doses not only does its powerful acidity sterilize the air from viruses and bacteria alike, but it also sends mice into state of lowered metabolism similar to hibernation, protecting their brains from inflammation while they chemically slumber by allowing the accumulation of a protective enzyme at a Goldilocks level. So caves with low ambient levels of this sulfuric gas may have been the ones that preserved our ancestors during their extended shared slumbers over the long cold eons when temperatures would regularly plunge to twenty below freezing, since the sulfuric scent has been associated with survival and rejuvenation for over one-million years.
So there is something important to be pulled from stones, weapons against an ancient foe – but not a sword.
Since hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide are both dirt cheap to isolate there’s no way to really monetize them, and so absolutely no one in the pharmaceutical industry seems interested in really exploring what these compounds can do for our brains, and how beneficial they might really be since acidifying the air is the only practical way to sterilize it regardless of your situation. And yet we don’t need further experimentation to posit that exposure to these volcanic gasses would’ve had a profound effect on our brains, killing them if we got too close for too long, but clearly providing something else entirely at limited doses.
Doses that would’ve been occurring whenever humanity wandered close to anything volcanic, something they’d been doing for a long time at first for warmth and cooking and then for obsidian, which would’ve been happening all the time around the Campanian volcanic arc near and Rome’s ancient oracles as well as throughout the Levantine coast due to the proliferation of underwater mud volcanoes like Nisyros. And these aquatic mud volcano systems do something rather peculiar that doesn’t seem to be shared by their more terrestrial brethren, - they seem to have a direct relationship with the moon: Well over half of their eruptions occur during either full or new moons.
So in addition to other unpredictable eruptions, likely following the forces of the tides, these underground systems would’ve belched and bellowed far more dramatically following lunar cycles, something early humans were already keeping a close eye on - as we know from their art and architecture that lunar cycles were a huge point of interest.
Especially once we figured out how important volcanic activity is to our crops, since volcanic activity plays a vital role renewing the land, especially when it comes in the form of mud volcanoes helping inject vital plant-friendly nitrogen directly into water and soil. And so at some point about 10,000ya ago some early humans wandered into the Judean Hills, which we know from the present-day gypsum deposits would’ve been rich with volcanic activity in the past due to all of the sulfuric residues left within those rocks.
And in addition to all of the immunological tricks listed above, hydrogen sulfide in particular has one more: Its stink, the sulfuric stench of brimstone, is the thing of miracles.
Hydrogen sulfide offers a trinity of immunological benefits to humanity: Not only does it help stop the growth of both bacteria and viruses in the air and also provide protection to our nervous system at low concentrations, but the rotten-eggy smell of hydrogen sulfide additionally triggers a vital mammalian olfactory pathway - the same one used as a repellent by skunks also drives rodents away from sulfuric volcanic caves - protecting humanity near these vents from the myriad diseases vectored by these scrambling critters.
Stanky sulfuric compounds are commonly used in rodent control because of this ancient interaction, one that’s been long-forgotten by modern scientists since there’s no way to monetize it like there is bespoke drugs and vaccines, and since the modern world had thought that it’d completely conquered our rodents, reducing them to nuisance.
Turns out we miscalculated a bit.
But luckily for the ancient besieged Israelis at Jerusalem back in 722BCE, the solfatara in the corner of the Pierced Stone inside the Holiest of Holies was still emitting enough hydrogen sulfide to keep the rodents out of the city. And so combined with the fact that King Hezekiah had diverted all of the surrounding waterways into Jerusalem to dry-out the Assyrian army, which created a miniature artificial drought for the rodent populations outside Jerusalem’s ancient gypsum walls and drove them into the increasingly crowded conditions which can eventually cause the viruses they host to reach a highly-pathogenic state.
This is an evolutionary adaptation for when natural environmental conditions like droughts force host populations into increasingly smaller groups as they begin to die-off, and so realizing that their host population is about to go extinct, like grasshoppers transitioning into locusts during the same drought-stricken overcrowded conditions, viruses transition into more virulent highly-pathogenic states that often kill off half of their hosts and allow them to escape into and infect a new host species.
A phenomenon that’s still artificially captured on massive industrial poultry farms all across the world, where the birds aren’t stuck in incredibly crowded conditions because of a drought and a lack of resources - but because humans profit the most off of this over-stuffed suffering. And so even with vaccines that cover 100% of viral genomes and with complete testing surveillance of the flock, because highly-pathogenic states are so hardwired into viruses all commercial poultry farms are constantly on the lookout for highly-pathogenic avian influenzas.
Because not only can these highly-pathogenic strains lead the sort of ongoing culling of millions of birds across America over the past few months due to infection, they can also jump into human workers on these industrial farms - leading to the fears that one of these highly-pathogenic avian influenzas could spark a global pandemic.
However this model misses the underlying dynamics at play, these highly-pathogenic viruses need to be vectored into humans using crowded flocks of birds, and only cause active infections in human hosts after several waves of infection and extended contact over several months. A dynamic that also occurred during King Sennacherib’s siege of Jerusalem, when over the course of the extended siege the local mouse population would’ve thoroughly integrated into the Assyrian tents and supplies, slowly building up waves of infection inside the Assyrians just like avian flus do to modern poultry farm workers.
And it’s not like Yahweh isn’t reminding King Hezekiah about all of this, since just before his Angels of Death descend upon the Assyrians, Hezekiah and all his senior advisors tear off their fancy royal clothes and don the sackcloth bags used to hold the harvest - shibboleths to Jerusalem’s beginnings as a threshing floor, separating wheat from chaff, and the plague that was stopped by the sulfuric gasses emanating from the Holiest of Holies which kept all the infected rodents at bay and the nearby air sterilized.
So when Yahweh’s avenging angels again took the form of a rodent-vectored plague just like they did to smite King David after his martial census, again the angels riding on the backs of these rodents were pulled up short by the sulfuric magic invisibly emanating from the Pierced Stone, and stopped by Yahweh’s breath - described throughout the Old Testament as smelling like brimstone, hydrogen sulfide.
Rodent-vectored plagues have frequently emerged among extended military campaigns due to this underlying evolutionary dynamic, viruses being forced into highly-pathogenic states when their host population of rodents collapses - often when the humans they in turn are infecting run out of food - and also provides a parsimonious explanation for the English Sweat. This mysterious miasma seemed to only follow the English around, initially seeming to avoid all other nationalities - an illusion created by the fact that it was caused by a highly-pathogenic hantavirus being vectored by English mice into their fellow human countrymen as it was forced into highly-pathogenic states by artificially concentrated human activity, something like an inverse of human workers living among the massive infected flocks of birds for 40 hours a week and in turn getting infected by avian influenzas once they reach highly-pathogenic states.
Mouse populations dig in among human hosts, and so when the English got a foothold in France it was the English mice who followed along, living among the English and eventually causing Englishmen to die in their new country after enough extending contact. The English were the only ones dying even over in France since it was their mice that were infected, just like it’s only poultry workers spending many hours a week on poultry farms who are at risk of contracting those highly-pathogenic avian viruses.
And although over the past few generations humanity has largely forgotten about the risks from rodent-vectored plagues, this assumed that no new variables were going to be introduced to unbalance the delicate evolutionary equations.
So when SARS-CoV-2 suddenly demonstrated the ability for airborne transmission among laboratory-bred mice back in 2020, it was probably a good idea to start worrying, since infection of wild mice should’ve seemed like only a matter of time. Time that’s come and gone, as now not only can the viral swarm of this novel coronavirus infect wild mice but also deer, and will invariably end up infecting the untold billions of rats that infect human cities - which it’s likely doing already.
Because just like the ancient Biblical plague that smote King David’s people due to his military census was vectored by rodents that were eventually repelled by Yahweh’s sulfuric brimstone breath as it emanate from the Holiest of Holies while it was still a simple threshing floor, that dynamic would repeat itself about 500 years later during the siege of the Assyrian King Sennacherib, and then again nearly 2,000 years later when the Angel of Death took the form of a different virus and was vectored by English mice into a deadly Sweat by heavy human wartime activity.
Since evidence of smallpox has been found on mummies roughly contemporaneous with the events of Exodus, it’s been presented as a possible candidate virus, and the bacteria tularemia has been suggested as the source of other historical plagues. However as monkeypox begins to ravage the modern western world, it’s worth pointing out that rodentpox would actually be a far more accurate name for that virus.
Although monkeys do vector this virus into humans around Africa, monkeys aren’t its original reservoir. Instead, the virus we call monkeypox hides out in small rodents like mice as rats, as well as squirrels, meaning all of those animals are able to act as silent reservoirs for the virus, which is waiting to emerge when the conditions are right.
So although squirrels don’t share much interaction with humans unless they’re really hungry or lonely rednecks, squirrels are able to disperse the virus across wide outdoor areas, and then interact with the rats and mice who in turn go on to inhabit human buildings. Rat and mouse populations which are now all teeming with COVID-19 infections, which are likely doing the same thing they do to humans and frying their furry little immune systems:
SARS-CoV-2 has begun targeting white blood cells, the immune system’s defenders, by disrupting their basic metabolic functions. Our novel coronavirus has also been observed reactivating endogenous retroviruses within white blood cells, something that also occurs as HIV develops into AIDS, attacking helpful T-cells in a similar fashion to HIV, and also invading our white blood cells without even needing to use ACE2.
And in a pattern that began in the first weeks of the pandemic when a preprint highlighting the parallel epitopes carried by both HIV and SARS-CoV-2 was retracted due to political pressure, likely due to the fact that they realized how much convergent evolution there was between HIV and SARS-CoV-2 since they’re both deattenuating LAVs
Introducing SARS-CoV-2 into every rodent population on the planet has led to the slow but inevitable deterioration of their immune systems, so while in the past it was human wartime activity packing us and then them into increasingly concentrated populations which resulted in once-hidden viruses seeking highly-pathogenic states to escape - today we’ve functionally given all the critters living among us COVID-derived AIDS, which also leads to the greatly increased transmission events which triggers the ancient instinct in viruses that causes them to head towards highly-pathogenic states.
Grasshoppers transform into locusts after they literally just bump into each other too much, this overcrowding eventually hits a threshold that causes the epigenetic changes which allows for long flight and much more appetite. And although the exact mechanisms haven’t been identified yet, viruses react to overcrowding by switching into a convergently more virulent state meant to drive them into a new home.
Historically it was military mobilization that led to these states among viruses, which first occurred in 1918 when preparations for World War I packed humans into densities never before experienced. And so while influenza first shows up in history back during the Trojan War many thousands of years ago, just about a century ago we forced that endogenous influenza into a highly-pathogenic state within wartime bases and hospitals and transports all across the globe, causing it to seek a new home in our porcine friends, where it remains achin’ in our bacon until this day.
And increased transmission is also going to occur now that every rodent population in the industrialized world is suffering from COVID-induced rodent-AIDS, meaning that every virus they carry is going to start heading towards highly-pathogenic states. In the case of their poxviruses, humans are right in the bullseye of the species they’re attempting to jump into like locusts swarming out to find new homes, since smallpox and monkeypox have well-established abilities to jump right into and infect humans.
So given how thoroughly rodent-infested every major human metropolis is today, like workers on poultry farms constantly exposed to the highly-pathogenic strains of avian influenzas that build up on those crowded commercial farms, everyone living in these cities is now going to be swarmed with waves of highly-pathogenic poxviruses attempting to escape from their scurrying hosts.
Meaning only Yahweh’s breath can save us now.
Hydrogen sulfide might be a bit stinky, but its trinity of immunological benefits is once again the only thing standing between humanity and our utter destruction. This was largely already the case given how long SARS-CoV-2 can exist in normal commercial air, since while natural viruses like influenza are inactivated just floating around in the air after just thirty minutes it takes our novel coronavirus several days to become inactivated in typical commercial air.
However, regardless of ventilation, if that air’s acidity-level is increased, these airborne viral particles that would otherwise remain alive floating around the air for days become inactivated in just thirty seconds. One way to do this is with nitric acid, which can also be derived from volcanic gasses since the nitric oxide found there reacts with water to form nitric acid, and hydrogen sulfide can also serve the same role, albeit more stinkily.
Hydrogen sulfide would have the additional benefit of driving away rodents which would keep all their poxes away as well, and at the right concentrations also provides direct neuro-protective benefits just like nitric oxide. But a mix of both, most accurately representing Yahweh’s breath as potent volcanic gasses, might offer the most benefits.
Because just like the ancient Minoans and everyone else gathered around the Mediterranean some 4,000ya, back around 1800BCE when Vesuvius’s massive Avenillo eruption threw the region into chaos, and then again a few hundred years later when Thera’s underwater detonation blew that lost island into three pieces and shattered the South Aegean - Humanity’s survival once again hinges on understanding and being able to harness these ancient volcanic mysteries.
Without driving rodents out of our commercial and residential buildings and increasing the acidity of their air, the Angel of Death is going to continue to reap. And Azrael now has at least two forms, both the original SARS-CoV-2 virus reverting its way back towards its original highly-pathogenic chimera, and now also viral pathogens emerging from rodents like the monkeypox that’s better understood as rodentpox. Which may soon have more company, as within Iraq reports of viral hemorrhagic fevers - possibly like the mouse-vectored hantavirus which created the English Sweat - have already quadrupled from last year.
An enormous part of Jerusalem’s role in the human story can only be understood through the antiviral and antirodent properties of the volcanic gasses infusing its stones, which turned back those ancient plagues and rescued the Children of Israel from her enemies. And so either humanity is going to find the humility to look back into the stories of our shared past, or we are going to continue to display the wickedness that summoned Angel of Death in the first place and continue to reap what generations of unethical scientific research has sown:
In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh was literally a god down from heaven: His word was law, and his will directed the course of an entire civilization. Now that humanity has diversified a bit and managed to organize ourselves into societies that are orders-of-magnitude more complex and interconnected, there no longer seems to be a place for any one man to become a god-king on Earth.
However there is something close, since after Citizens United decided that corporations were in fact people as far as hundreds of millions of dollars of annual campaign donations were disguised as “free speech,” starting in 2010 every American corporation gained the ability to donate infinite amounts of money to as many political campaigns as they wanted.
And donate they did, several billions worth that would cause Congress to reshape the legal medical landscape to the point that over the next decade American healthcare costs would continue to balloon so much that insulin is marked up thousands of percent, and medical insurance costs have exploded to the point where fully two-thirds of bankruptcies in America are related to medical expenses.
This dynamic has already packed tens of thousands of our societies’ most vulnerable into factories and warehouses during the pandemic, desperate to keep food on their families’ tables and roofs over their heads, and forced to work - not in a camp, at least - but in conditions that are now killing and debilitating endless wave after wave. More literally than we’d like to think, we are now very much all in this together.
So if you’re wondering why this current Presidential Administration seems to be much more interested in winning elections and vaccine sales than the preservation of human life? That’s because our government is currently owned and operated by Fascism and Big Pharma, which is why it’s been unabashedly gaslighting us all about the nature of reinfections to hide their rampant spread, and attempting to force everyone back into the office so that the commercial real estate market doesn’t collapse.
The pandemic is over, we’ve been told. Back to work, don’t you want to be free?
Whew. I loved this read.
Here I am making ferment tea for the garden.
In the beginning it was an experiment based on how the peasants in Mexico were making this fermented fertilizer for crops, but I didn't want to go to that extent and just packed lots of green material in a barrel and filled it with rainwater. 30 days of swamp water smell, sulfur and nitrate oxide is what I've learned, without a lid enough swamp scent to disinfect the neighborhood. I use screw on lid barrel to reduce the smell as the neighbors would not think this smell is a positive! The stuff works the plants seemingly perk up and become darker green on application. And I have noticed this smell does repel mice and woodchucks.
So there you go, start a garden, make fermented fertilizer along with God's breath, grow nutrient dense food to eat, and save yourself from the Angel of Death.
This was one of the most eye opening and provocative articles on epidemics, and on sars-cov-2, I have ever seen. Though I may not always agree with all of your claims, I have found many to be useful and very predictive. I just want to thank you for your efforts. I hope you don't stop writing, and I hope you stay safe.