Why downplaying the severity of the COVID-19 Pandemic only happens due to Hollywood’s sensationalized depiction of viral outbreaks, and the hidden history of live-attenuated vaccine trials gone-wrong.
Wow...this is an epic amount of information! If I wasn't already, I am officially freaked out now. No idea what can be done at this point since the genie is out of the bottle. If you still have your health (as far as you know), I guess you better try to enjoy the days you have left as they may come to an end quicker than you think.
At some point after SARS-CoV-2 has transmitted enough to revert back to its original form, that will look like the original SARS and MERS and kill within days and weeks. But we aren't there yet, so most people should still have years at this point... but yeah within another year or two, it's all over if things keep going this way.
I guess that. I feel like a lot of these foreboding horror stories are really starting to test my patience to an extent. I find between 2025 and 2027 to be the most crucial years for these things to be vindicated and have considered letting go altogether, but science is a complicated matter and given how some hypotheses take decades to transpire, I may be short-sighted. I’m a community college biology student, and I really feel like things like this exceed my grasp of mental and even emotional comprehension and I feel like these discussions require much more of in-depth understanding, or more time to grasp and get the research in. Not to mention that I absolutely need to cut down on social media in order to study.
Yeah I know the feeling of being overwhelmed, don't have any good answers other than the biological reality that sometimes anxiety and depression can be useful survival tools - studying is important, but you also might want to think about having enough water and calories to survive if things start to collapse, most groceries have about a three-day supply of food.
And I'd guess the mortality would be somewhere in the range of the original SARS1 and MERS, with MERS being a lot worse at roughly 1/3... but yeah whether it's 1/9 or 1/2 - with repeat infections, everyone's gonna die if transmission isn't stopped.
Great question, didn't cover it in this piece but addressed why bad things are likely down the road in an earlier article:
"Incidentally, another paper attempting to immunize against that highly-airborne coronavirus goes on to explain that when an experimental spike-protein only vaccine was tried against a highly-airborne feline coronavirus - immunoglobulin was thrown out of wack and 80% of the kittens it was administered to died inside a month. But don’t worry, Big Pharma has crossed its collective fingers and is hoping really, really hard that this exact same phenomenon doesn’t occur at some point down the road within human populations vaccinated with a spike-protein only vaccine against our novel highly-airborne coronavirus.
But this effect can’t be expected to appear immediately with SARS-CoV-2, since like all deattenuating LAVs it won’t reach full virulence until it’s fully reconstituted itself back to its original full-strength form - an enigmatic process that’s explained below, and which is still ongoing as transmission events occur in their millions all across the Earth."
When I first heard the term Operation Warp Speed -- I jumped online to find out what happened with the SARS vaccine... I lived in HK when SARS was happening...
I found this article (and passed it to a number of friends and family who were very excited about Op Warp Speed... hoping this would soften their boners... it didn't - they ignored it)...
But a chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine. Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease rarely get sick. But the vaccine does not prevent them from spreading Marek’s to unvaccinated birds.
“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days.”
In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would, a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent. (Note: it only harms fowl). The study was published on Monday in the journal PLOS Biology.
This is the first time that this virus-boosting phenomenon, known as the imperfect vaccine hypothesis, has been observed experimentally.
We need to keep in mind they did not set out to create Marek's... rather it was an accidental outcome related to deploying a leaky vaccine...
With the covid shots... also leaky - they are repeatedly hitting the Vaxxers with shots.... some have had over 10 now... and they know they are worse than useless...
One might wonder if they are actually trying to create an extremely hot strain of Covid....
Further - nobody has any sort of protection against such a strain ... because the vaccines they are using target the original strain - which does not exist... so all Vaxxers are unvaxxed...
With Marek's... I understand that they have updated and continue to update the chicken vax... to be able to deal with the hot strains that continue to emerge....
Funny isn't it that they are not doing that with Covid....
I wonder if this might tie in with the airborne theory ...
So what is the potential risk to humans of eating vaccinated chicken that is carrying Marek's virus but was "healthy" enough to be used for, say, chicken fingers at your favorite fast food restaurant?
Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
The Great Drama of American Shale Production may now be nearing its final act - Goehring & Rozencwajg Natural Resource Investors
For years, we have anticipated that the relentless growth in shale output would crest by late 2024 or early 2025, catching many off-guard. In hindsight, even this expectation might have erred on the side of caution. Quietly and without much fanfare, both shale oil and shale gas appear to have passed their zenith several months ago.
Recent data from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) reveal that shale crude oil production reached its high-water mark in November 2023, only to slide 2%— roughly 200,000 barrels per day—since then. Likewise, shale dry gas production peaked that same month and has since slipped by 1% or 1 billion cubic feet per day. The trajectory from here, according to our models, looks steeper still.
Try to get your head around the idea that by 2027, US tight oil production might be 12 MM BOPD, not the 9 MM it is now, which is what cheerleaders say it will be, and that means we'll actually have to find and extract 12 MM BOPD... before we can ever grow the new 3 MM. Man, that is a slew of new wells! Thats gonna take like...four times the HZ wells we've already drilled in the US.
Consider what happens when the supply of affordable energy tips into a serious deficit...
The global economy will collapse. 8 billion humans will be left on the cold dark streets... angry ... hungry
What do you think they will do?
Murder? Rape? Cannibalism?
The Gates of Hell WILL OPEN. Cut the bullshit if you think otherwise -- cuz you are delusional.
This is where we stand... conventional oil peaked two decades ago... and now the only growing source of oil - shale -- is shrinking.
Bill Gates is a hero ... as is Fauci and all the others who have spent huge time and effort working out out how to reduce the suffering ... how to pre-empt Hell on Earth.
Did you think cnnbbc was gonna tell you that we are on our last legs in terms of the key resource? Of course NOT! That would only invite despair.
Nobody wants the truth. Well I give you the truth.
Yeah I've been following the Free Oil thing since the early 2000s, definitely just one of the issues that's probably gonna lead to global conflict.
Although yeah I don't think Gates and Fauci have any idea what they're doing, the FCS wasn't supposed to come back and SARS-CoV-2 was never supposed to go airborne. Human history is the story of hubris leading to collapse, don't think things are much different this time around.
Have you studied The Leviathan gas field located off the coast of Israel? I find it interesting that no one talks about it in relation to what is going on in Israel/Gaza right now.
Yeah but I don't think it's really that big, and like with the massive field off the coast of Brazil, apparently trying to drill down through underwater rock is a huge fucking production that's a lot more expensive than the normal dessert gas and oil, so prices will have to go up a bunch and in the meantime lots of people will be dying so there's gonna be less demand.
Why did they turn sick people away from the hospitals and tell them to come back when they were much worse...not give them the usual drugs for serious respiratory illnesses.... then give them Midazolam?
You should not use midazolam if you are allergic to it, or if you have:
Financial collapse will result in billions perishing before the latter day HIV does its sacred work. Supply chains will break and starvation will ensue.
Cities will be Zombie Apocalypse zones, no potable water will see all the old diseases back to firestorm through the population on the back of compromised immune systems (already started).
At least two infections per year appear to be the norm. Civilisation will collapse, inside 5 years I’d say.
Starvation is even worse and prolonged than hacking your lungs out. Water borne diseases will do the job earlier.
Not wrong, but the time will come where humanity might need the last few hundred people to pull through - it's happened before in our history. Civilization is likely toast, barring a miracle, but our species can squeak by if we're lucky.
Car insurance rates are already through the roof, and yeah it's gonna probably take a few horrific airliner collisions that kill hundreds at a time to bring the issue up to the level of public consciousness.
Yeah I'm very pleasantly surprised that there hasn't been a horrific mid-air collision that kills several hundred yet. I mean knock on wood, because yeah really feels like the clock is ticking.
I would love to engage with anyone who has scientific (or other) questions about this multi-part post. There is way too much good stuff here for me to want to pick an isolated bit to comment on, and in fact, I am most interested in discussing this with interested parties.
Karl Sirotkin PhD (and co-author of that first serial passage paper)
Thank you for asking! I commented above, but thinking more about these posts, I would like to say more. As I wrote before--I love the science.
As I wrote, it sounds like you and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche are seeing the same thing from different angles. He is watching the actual molecular mutations and you are -- well, you are, too, but in a different way.
Extremely interesting, also, your analysis of HIV and polio.
I followed JJ Couey for several years (until he started bashing everybody else in the field--I think he is the reason I read your article back in February, 2021, or was it vice-versa?) and was struck by Couey's argument that a single-strand RNA virus from a lab simply could not reliably create a pandemic because it would quickly mutate. ( actually wrote about this here:
But I think that, in a vaccine, or in a (large) vaccine trial, you could get enough of the virus into enough people that, if it reactivated, it would have many hosts and it could, by working its way back into viability, cause an actual epidemic in a setting such as construction of the Wuhan Games event. Am I right in thinking that a reactivated virus, seeded in that way, would have a greater coherence of replicability? I am not sure exactly why that would be, but polio and HIV are both single strand RNA viruses, I believe, and they certainly have proven durable.
Since apparently it may take quite awhile for an inactivated live virus to reactivate, researchers could have known for years that his was happening, right?
I do think your politics are a bit off.
I got the impression from the articles that you think there was some kind of mistake made by honest people (suck as Ralph Baric) who were actually working for the betterment of humanity, searching to ward off a possible dangerous bioweapon. I think the virus was created as a bioweapon. My understanding is that when one creates a viral bioweapon, one must also create a cure, or prevention, for it so that your own guys don't get sick from it. I think that is what escaped-- the intended prevention for friendly forces.
I also think this whole thing was well planned-for. Maybe they were caught by surprise when people initially got sick but they had Event 201 all organized and ready to go extremely quickly in the fall of 2019-- and of course they had been organizing similar events, already, for years prior.
And I'm sure you know the emphasis of Event 201 was not public health but rather suppression of the populace.
I think the worst culprits here are NOT in China but in the USA!! It appears that some significant part of the development of this virus was done at the Rocky Mountain labs in Montana (Dr. Meryl Nass wrote this-- not sure her source for his information).
There is a thread, in the article, of Sinophobia that I do that think stands up to reality.
Along this line, the idea that the Uighurs are mistreated is mostly US propaganda. The Chinese researchers would not necessarily have had to force prisoners to volunteer for these trials any more than US pharma necessarily has to recruit prisoners for their trials nowadays. The Chinese people seem, many of them, to be quite loyal to their government, and would volunteer.
I think you may be much more well-versed in science than in geopolitics. That prejudice can cloud your thinking and your argument.
I have already posted about your articles on my two SUBSTACKS, and intend to write a short summary of your posts there where regular people can understand what you are saying I have a small audience, but every bit helps.
Yeah in a fairly melancholy twist, JJ was actually the very first person to support any of our work at all, all the way back in like February 2020. He did a YouTube review of our early papers while riding his bike, but yeah in the months that followed I guess he lost his job, and then he fell off the map for a bit. And then when he came back on the map he didn't really seem to be the same guy anymore.
And so I think you might have your wires a little bit crossed in terms of what kinds of viruses can revert, totally INACTIVATED viruses like Salk's inactivated Polio vaccine are all-the-way-dead and can't ever revert - but they can still be dangerous if there are industrial fuck-ups making the vaccine, like any product, like with the Cutter incident.
But yes, researchers have known for years that live-attenuated vaccines like OPV and ones made from H1N1 can revert all the way back to virulent. So we agree that this thing started when a LAV reverted faster-than-expected - there's more about the whole process here: https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/understanding-covid-19-and-seasonal
However we're gonna have to disagree about the politics and morality, since just to start it's actually completely and entirely illegal to test anything at all on prisoners in America, because the West considers that a moral abomination - prisoners don't have free will so of course they can't give meaningful consent to anything.
So we're in different moral universes as far as "volunteering" and experimenting on convicts goes, but at least we seem to agree about the science!!
Amazing to me that after all that you have been through you still seem to have faith in the American justice system. But you're right. This is not the most important thing in this discussion.
Oh I definitely don't have any faith in the formal American judicial system at all, I'm sure Biden will be throwing Fauci a pardon and it wouldn't surprise me if Baric is even added in there as well at some point.
However what I do have faith in, is the American sense of justice that first emerged to make this country what it is. There's a reason we Americans like our guns so much, because they're the constant insurance against the government trying to pull some stupid bullshit like protecting mass murders from justice.
And, other than general good health measures and not getting the vaxx, I would think that ivermectin prophylaxis a couple of times a week long term might be helpful? Having no vaxx but apparently having had long Covid (cutaneous vasculitis by my diagnosis) I have come to feel that there may be less difference between the Covidd virus and the Vaxx spike protein than we may think. They are both artificial and venal...and according to your thinking, long-lasting. BTW I found aspirin 350 mg daily, HCQ 200 mg Bid and nattokinase to be helpful-- I am still taking low doses of ivm and HCQ plus vitamin D and restarted nattokinase, because to me it feels like the virus is still there. Reading what you guys say here I am wondering long term ivm and HCQ would be helpful? I guess there is no way to know at present. Do you think my reasoning is correct?
One more thing-- I msged Dr. Hazan on X about your articles. She did not sound very interested. Also msged some others-- Dr. Makis, Pierre Kory, Lynn Fynn, Dr. Vanden Bossche, forget all who-- I never hear back from these people.
Thanks so much for trying, I've been pissing into the blizzard of trying to get any other scientists onboard for years now - with no luck, so don't feel bad it's definitely not you. And I've heard great thinks about nattokinase along with a bunch of other herbal-type supplements, not sure about the other stuff but I've presented all the preventative advice I can here:
I am not sure if this is the best place to reply but here goes.
1. I will read the posts you linked above and may have more comments. Perhaps the answer to my comment here is in those posts.
BUT. I mentioned that I had, am still recovering a year later, actually, from a cutaneous vasculitis which I, unvaxxed, am virtually certain resulted from a Covid infection, my first, last fall. (I was stuck as a juror for 12 hours in a stuffy closed courtroom with about 25 other people last October-- three days later--sick. Eight days later started breaking out.) It took me quite awhile to diagnose myself as this is not a common "long Covid" reaction and cutaneous vasculitis is not a common skin condition, anyway. Last spring, when I did figure out at least a tentative diagnosis, I started ivermectin 12 mg daily. But what really turned the tide, I think, was when I added 200 mg hydroxychloroquine BID plus aspirin 350 daily plus nattokinase 4000 units daily (the last two added to undo microclotting). The lichenified patches on my lower legs subsided to very large dark blue blood lakes-- at this time the "lakes" are much smaller and have turned brown. The sort of pathognomonic fibrous lumps are slowly subsiding as well.
Back in February, I could, I think, actually "see" the spike protein with what I guess you could call second sight. The offending proteins appeared as rectangular, somewhat metallic, uniform shapes, off in the left side of my field of vision. I started to subjectively feel then that not only the vaxx, but the initial virus itself, was alien and poisonous.
At this point, December 2024, I still sense the virus in my body but the impressions are much fainter. Subdued with treatment. But the virus has not gone away.
All of this leads to my question. I wonder if chronic IVM plus HCQ plus maybe nattokinase might be helpful long term to stave off advanced disease? This is what I am pretty much planning to do. Something like, ivm 12 mg twice weekly, HCQ 200 daily or maybe a few times weekly, plus probably nattokinase. (Daily aspirin too hard on stomach.) What do you think?
If you are correct these things will at some point no longer be available, of course.
2. I have spent a few hours re-reading, studying, and thinking about these two posts. I am more and more impressed with your meticulous reasoning and implacable plodding toward your thesis statement.
3. Finally, I just picked out this paragraph from a SUBSTACK by someone named Jon Fleetwood. Jessica Rose re-posted it today. (Hooray for SUBSTACK.) The post was mostly unremarkable (to you, I suspect) but this paragraph jumped out. I don't know who Jim Haslam is but I am going to look him up:
"Researcher Jim Haslam has provided strong evidence that the goal of SARS-CoV2 gain-of-function research funded by the U.S. government was not merely to produce a virus, but to create a self-spreading COVID vaccine that acts like a virus.
"The virus-vaccine would infect individuals and transmit to others like any purported virus would do naturally.
"Haslam explained his theory in an interview with renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.
"Haslam argues the COVID pandemic virus “was the vaccine.”
'“I think we’re all scared of having to take the [COVID] vaccine. We didn’t want to take this experimental vaccine. Well, we took it already. What you thought was an infection was an inoculation. The spike protein of the mRNA vaccine is a mirror image of the spike protein of the COVID-19 virus,” Haslam told McCullough.
'“The one big difference is this one (the vaccine) comes from a needle and it goes in a body—this one (the virus-vaccine) is spread by aerosol.”
"You can watch Haslam’s statements to McCullough in a segment of the interview below....."
Link to Rose/Fleet post. The above snippet appears about halfway through the post, no date given.
Unacceptable Jessica cross-posted a post from Jon Fleetwood
Thanks again for all the high praise, I've been writing about this pandemic for awhile and you've genuinely given me some of the most appreciative compliments yet!!
Yeah Jim Haslam has been cribbing off my work for a long time now, no idea why he wants to focus on bat-vaccines and all his wacky scenarios. But there's a reason he didn't write any peer-reviewed papers about an engineered virus, even after all this time and especially not back in August 2020 (not sure he's ever published anything peer reviewed in his life) - because he doesn't understand basic fundamentals of science. SARS2 doesn't infect bats in the wild, and hardly binds to their cells - this virus didn't start around any project relating to infecting bats.
LAVs spread within the community through poop be definition, and any LAV that went airborne would do the same thing. This isn't some wacky new science, it's the oldest form of viral engineering there is.
I honestly don't have any experience with IVM or HCQ, but I wouldn't just limit yourself to them. Natto is safe to take daily, but there's research around CBD and lots of other plant-derived compounds, for instance I'd look into hyssop and all the bitter herbs from Passover:
And definitely nicotine, another plant chemical - smoking and chew are bad, but unflavored nicotine gum without any flavorings is as safe as it comes. Nicotine isn't a carcinogen, it's the other shit that gets burnt up in tobacco.
Thanks for the link. I just subscribed. Been following Dan since the beginning. Incredible insight to the coverup. I watch clowns like Asher post on X as if they give a Fk about humanity.
my prep is a bullet to my head. I read the trilogy on the EMP attack. I am not going through that. I already know I am not hearty enough to live cold, dark and hungry. I admit it. I am from 1973! What can I say. I am getting right with Jesus and some days I ask why not just retire and enjoy what my hard work has given me.
Not the worst idea, but depending on your situation it might be better going out trying to help a little kid have a slightly better chance of making it.
So maybe like knit socks until you starve to death instead of getting all dramatic.
Ha ha ha ha ha... I will take up knitting. 2025... The year of the socks! Had a good ring to it. Maybe by 2026 I can progress to felting wool for hats and jackets.
The reason they have done this is to prevent the gates of hell from opening ...
The MSM was never gonna announce this:
World crude oil extraction reached an all-time high of 84.6 million barrels per day in late 2018, and production hasn’t been able to regain that level since then.
Recent data from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) reveal that shale crude oil production reached its high-water mark in November 2023, only to slide 2%— roughly 200,000 barrels per day—since then. Likewise, shale dry gas production peaked that same month and has since slipped by 1% or 1 billion cubic feet per day. The trajectory from here, according to our models, looks steeper still.
SARS-CoV-2 variants are not simply competing with each other, but are in fact WORKING TOGETHER in a COOPERATIVE MANNER !!!
Conclusions: Our study uncovers seasonal patterns of emergence and diversification occurring amid a highly dynamic evolutionary landscape of bursts and waves. The mapping of genetically-linked mutations to structures that sense environmental change with powerful ab initio modeling tools demonstrates the potential of deep-learning for COVID-19 predictive intelligence and therapeutic intervention.
Dates back to 2023 but very interesting.
What if the variants are communicating? That issue has been raised before if I recall correctly.
Do you see the possibility that Fauci was not seeking a pan-corona vaccine, but rather a vaccine for HIV? It seems in keeping with his character that he would want to be seen as the Jonas Salk of the 21st century who eradicated HIV since he rose to prominence in the 1980s due to his involvement with HIV?
I don't think there's been any signs that SARS2 interacts with SIV or HIV directly, although they both act in similar ways since they're both reverting LAVs that fry our immune systems. So I don't think he wanted to be Jonas Salk, but I do think he wanted history to someday know he'd managed to coverup the origins of both HIV and SARS:
Maybe...but I'm not completely convinced. One should not underestimate Fauci's enormous ego...
"HIV vaccine: Dr. Fauci explained that research continues for a safe and effective HIV vaccine because that will be a “nail in the coffin” for the epidemic. Since it can be challenging to get the existing HIV prevention and treatment tools to all those who need them, he noted, “if you want a truly global, effective, durable end to the epidemic, the only way you’re going to do that is with a safe and effective vaccine..."
Suppose SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne HIV type virus that leads to chronic infection that cannot be cleared completely from the body that eventually results in immunodeficiency and death by opportunistic infections 5-10 years from initial infection.
What are the mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 maintains chronic infection leading to immunodeficiency?
May you elaborate on how SARS-CoV-2 is cleared or not cleared from the body and if not cleared, by what mechanism does this unclear-able chronic infection persist and leads to immunodeficiency.
If you scroll down there's a bunch of different sections outlining the damage COVID does to the body, one section's titled Autoimmunity. But in a nutshell, just like HIV it kills off our white blood cells so the door is opened for opportunistic infections.
Have you read any of the work of Dr Sabine Hazan. It aligns perfectly with what you are saying about the gut connection. If I am saying this correctly, she found that those without bifido bacteria in their guts got worse covid, covid vax killed the bifido and that this loss of bifido is not good if you want to survive covid and the vax. I know we are coming more and more to realize the importance of our gut, but after reading your 2 articles, I am even more convinced!
We interacted a little on Twitter but I think it was like two years ago, I've been talking about the importance of poo since I wrote the article pinned at the top of this site, since only poo shows the full array of the quasispecies swarm at any given time, or at least the most of it - far more than blood or snot or whatever. But yeah interacting with the gut bacteria makes sense given how much ACE2 there is down there, I'm pretty sure I've agreed with at least the general thrust of her arguments.
It just seems to make more sense because I read this two article series. It's like the puzzle pieces locking together and clicking. I didn't not believe her. But with your work here I understand the significance of the system and the impact on our biology. Scary and fascinating.
I felt I had a good understanding of the lies of BS policies and explanations. But now having read this I feel woefully unprepared to try to explain it to others. I read it to my husband who reads many more topics than I do. But he doesn't have a science background so he gets that glazed over look. He is a mechanic by trade, so the how and why of stuff fascinates his. But add too much science and you lose him. And now after reading these 2 articles, when I listen to people arguing over the lab leak theory, I am screaming at the radio!
This comment is limited to the hyperlink at the end of the article. What it showed is during the Omicron wave wastewater (aka poop) gave a better estimate of the community infection rate by a factor of 19. They got the ratio from earlier infections when more testing was done and the testing worked better for the variants; however, note that even at that time, the testing was likely an underestimate, so the article that the link above is based on, really is saying the underestimate was 19 times worse during the Omicron wave. Since less testing and variants that would escape the testing done are worse now, wastewater is even more important to monitor.
Quasi species storm gets so little discussion publicly by anyone else. From what I have read, there is a series of laws that 'legally prevent you' from knowing your Covid variant. Which seems fascist, if only because a nose swab and a few minutes of nucleotide testing tell you what version of influenza (A or B) your kid tests positive for.
But of course the CDC and various Covid genome projects claim to know entire variant lineages and their mutations/lineages.
I hate to ask a potentially libelous question: What kind of science are the various SC2 genetic databases doing?
NCBI is perhaps the main repository for genetic squences. It has a blast database of all SC2 genomes submitted. It no longer does any sequence analysis, except for collapsing HUMAN SNP reports to reduce duplicates.
I would be interested in laws in the US preventing a person knowing their own SC2 infecting linages. I have not heard of any.
Well...I tried digging into this, but it appears to be to legally confusing. In my life, whenever I attempt to interpret law, I am always impressed with how the vague written laws and codes actually are and how much I can misinterpret them. Here are some links:
Also: My search query "law preventing you from knowing your variant" gives absolutely worthless results on Google Chrome. On the search engine Brave (in the Brave Browser), I easily found the public and academic links above the exact same query.
However, when I queried their respective AIs (Leo(Brave), Gemini(Goggle), they both replied with the *exact* same opening line: "There are no specific laws or codes that prevent an individual from knowing the COVID-19 variant they tested positive for." The respective AIs then went on to qualify that comment.
AI Question: What are the laws and codes preventing an individual from knowing the Covid variant he tested positive for?
AI Answers:
Leo: Brave AI
There are no specific laws or codes that prevent an individual from knowing the COVID-19 variant they tested positive for. However, the process of identifying and tracking COVID-19 variants is complex and requires advanced laboratory techniques. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health departments prioritize surveillance efforts to monitor the spread of variants and detect new ones. When an individual tests positive for COVID-19, the focus is typically on providing appropriate medical care, contact tracing, and preventing further spread. In some cases, the specific variant may be identified, but this information may not always be shared with the individual due to logistical, resource, or public health priorities.
Gemini: Google AI
There are no specific laws or codes that explicitly prevent individuals from knowing the COVID-19 variant they tested positive for.
However, here's why you might not be routinely informed:
Limited Routine Testing:
Most at-home tests and many rapid tests simply detect the presence of the virus, not the specific variant.
Genomic sequencing, required to identify variants, is often reserved for:
Surveillance purposes: To track the spread of new and concerning variants within the community. Outbreak investigations: To understand the characteristics of outbreaks in specific settings. Research studies: To gather data on the evolving nature of the virus.
Focus on Clinical Care: The specific COVID-19 variant usually doesn't significantly alter the recommended course of treatment or isolation guidelines for most individuals. Medical professionals prioritize providing appropriate care based on the patient's symptoms and overall health. Where to Find Information (If Applicable):
Public Health Agencies: Your local or state public health department may have information about circulating variants in your area. Healthcare Provider: If your infection is part of an outbreak investigation or if your doctor deems it medically relevant, they may be able to provide information about the specific variant. Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge and guidance only. For specific legal or medical advice, consult with a qualified professional.
Great article - thanks! Do you have any thoughts about why Baric/WIV added the apparently bad "stuff" e.g. SEB, HIV, prions, etc. components to the LAV? We're they hoping the body would create some immunity to those in addition to the COV? Or might it have been their attempt to manage how the immune system responds? These add-ons seem to be more characteristic of a bio weapon. Unless there is a targeting process whereby with the "target" you get a LAV but without it acts more pathogenic...
Yup great question and that's something I need to clarify in the article. My best guess is that the first step was building a highly-pathogenic chimera, a virus that would behave like MERS and be incredibly deadly and the result of splicing lots of coronaviruses together into Frankenviruses and passaging the fuck out of them until they were as deadly as possible.
Because it's only starting with an incredibly deadly virus in a highly-pathogenic state that you can create a LAV. A LAV needs to express all the possible epitopes of that virus, with Rabies that's easy to identify because there's foaming and craziness, but with respiratory viruses you don't know things are highly-pathogenic until all your chickens are dying.
Which is why there are signs of a bioweapon with COVID infections yet at the same time well over 90% of the world carries SARS2 antibodies but the world still seems to be mostly going along like nothing is wrong.
If you don't look too hard.
SARS-CoV-2 without its FCS is very obviously a LAV, but most of the world met it with the FCS so there's pathogenicity, and the more time that passes and the more transmission that occurs means more and more of lethal parts of the virus start to pop-up.
I don't understand everything you write but some of my questions are:
1. How could sars cov 2 ever be approved, even as a non airborne LAV given all the harms you've noted? (Or does the absence of an FCS render it less dangerous?) Others have noted other dangers too - something about cancer promoters and proinergenic sequences.
2. Ignoring the dishonesty and risks of mRNA technology, the vaccines don't seem like a genuine attempt to stop the virus. Something about 19 proteins in SC2 and vaccines only targetting one which happens to be both highly volatile/evolvable and dangerous. We're they really trying to stop transmission or just poison the human genome?
I have always found it peculiar that Fauci seemed bamboozled by the outbreak. So I accept he wasn't the coordinator of it and that it might have been a work for some decent purpose. But it's hard to understand why all the bioweapon stuff is in it. And then there was the psychopathic vaccine roll out just to prove they preferred us dead than alive.
(Also, you write that Event 201 was in Wuhan but I think it was in New York.) :-)
1. The article mentions that when you remove its FCS, SARS2 acts just like a LAV - doesn't even spread among hamsters.
2. I don't have proof, but I think the arc of human history is more about sociopathic assholes making mistakes and not owning up to it, than Comic Book Movie Villain Plots to kill everyone on earth.
SARS2 has hints of a bioweapon, because before its parent virus was attenuated down into a LAV it would've been basically a bioweapon and have been at least as deadly as MERS. So it's working its way back to being one. And I did my best to explain Fauci's behavior here: https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/welcome-to-mengeles-laboratory
Thanks for the great questions, AND for the catch that Event 201 was in NYC, just happening while the WMG were - so I got that confused, thanks so much!!
Really good question, dunno but best guess I have is that doing more than one protein with the mRNA platform would’ve taken at least twice as long, and they were desperate to try something and get it out the door ASAP.
China 🇨🇳 Declares State of Emergency as Epidemic Overwhelms Hospitals and Crematoriums.
Multiple viruses, including Influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and COVID-19, are spreading rapidly across China.
4:43 AM · Jan 2, 2025
China is facing a surge in multiple viruses, including Influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and COVID-19, overwhelming hospitals and crematoriums.
Children's hospitals are particularly strained by rising pneumonia and "white lung" cases.
4:50 AM · Jan 2, 2025
The surge in cases has also led to an alarming increase in sudden deaths, with people aged 40 to 80 being particularly affected.
Funeral industry operators have reported crematoriums are so full that some have exploded due to the high volume of deceased.
In rural areas like Hunan, many locals are unable to afford medical care, leading to a rise in deaths from untreated conditions.
The Chinese CDC confirmed a rise in acute respiratory infections nationwide, fueling widespread panic
Ms. Wang, a funeral director in Zhejiang, described long cremation lines, with VIP furnaces in use, emitting heavy smoke. She likened the scene to a bustling New Year market.
As a result, the government has declared a state of emergency in response to the escalating epidemic.
Wow...this is an epic amount of information! If I wasn't already, I am officially freaked out now. No idea what can be done at this point since the genie is out of the bottle. If you still have your health (as far as you know), I guess you better try to enjoy the days you have left as they may come to an end quicker than you think.
Please pass the article along to anyone who you know that might benefit, not gonna be a pretty few years.
If there are even years assuming this. Or maybe it’s my anxiety making me think it’s only days.
At some point after SARS-CoV-2 has transmitted enough to revert back to its original form, that will look like the original SARS and MERS and kill within days and weeks. But we aren't there yet, so most people should still have years at this point... but yeah within another year or two, it's all over if things keep going this way.
I guess that. I feel like a lot of these foreboding horror stories are really starting to test my patience to an extent. I find between 2025 and 2027 to be the most crucial years for these things to be vindicated and have considered letting go altogether, but science is a complicated matter and given how some hypotheses take decades to transpire, I may be short-sighted. I’m a community college biology student, and I really feel like things like this exceed my grasp of mental and even emotional comprehension and I feel like these discussions require much more of in-depth understanding, or more time to grasp and get the research in. Not to mention that I absolutely need to cut down on social media in order to study.
Also, when you say it reverts to the original SARS virus, will it have mortality similar to that, or much MUCH worse?
Yeah I know the feeling of being overwhelmed, don't have any good answers other than the biological reality that sometimes anxiety and depression can be useful survival tools - studying is important, but you also might want to think about having enough water and calories to survive if things start to collapse, most groceries have about a three-day supply of food.
And since you're studying biology in college, I'm sure you'll be able to follow along with this: https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/understanding-covid-19-and-seasonal
And I'd guess the mortality would be somewhere in the range of the original SARS1 and MERS, with MERS being a lot worse at roughly 1/3... but yeah whether it's 1/9 or 1/2 - with repeat infections, everyone's gonna die if transmission isn't stopped.
I may have missed it ... but my understanding is that Covid itself is what will usher in the mass death at some point ...
How do the vaccines factor into this?
Great question, didn't cover it in this piece but addressed why bad things are likely down the road in an earlier article:
"Incidentally, another paper attempting to immunize against that highly-airborne coronavirus goes on to explain that when an experimental spike-protein only vaccine was tried against a highly-airborne feline coronavirus - immunoglobulin was thrown out of wack and 80% of the kittens it was administered to died inside a month. But don’t worry, Big Pharma has crossed its collective fingers and is hoping really, really hard that this exact same phenomenon doesn’t occur at some point down the road within human populations vaccinated with a spike-protein only vaccine against our novel highly-airborne coronavirus.
But this effect can’t be expected to appear immediately with SARS-CoV-2, since like all deattenuating LAVs it won’t reach full virulence until it’s fully reconstituted itself back to its original full-strength form - an enigmatic process that’s explained below, and which is still ongoing as transmission events occur in their millions all across the Earth."
When I first heard the term Operation Warp Speed -- I jumped online to find out what happened with the SARS vaccine... I lived in HK when SARS was happening...
I found this article (and passed it to a number of friends and family who were very excited about Op Warp Speed... hoping this would soften their boners... it didn't - they ignored it)...
But a chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine. Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease rarely get sick. But the vaccine does not prevent them from spreading Marek’s to unvaccinated birds.
“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days.”
In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would, a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent. (Note: it only harms fowl). The study was published on Monday in the journal PLOS Biology.
This is the first time that this virus-boosting phenomenon, known as the imperfect vaccine hypothesis, has been observed experimentally.
We need to keep in mind they did not set out to create Marek's... rather it was an accidental outcome related to deploying a leaky vaccine...
With the covid shots... also leaky - they are repeatedly hitting the Vaxxers with shots.... some have had over 10 now... and they know they are worse than useless...
One might wonder if they are actually trying to create an extremely hot strain of Covid....
Further - nobody has any sort of protection against such a strain ... because the vaccines they are using target the original strain - which does not exist... so all Vaxxers are unvaxxed...
With Marek's... I understand that they have updated and continue to update the chicken vax... to be able to deal with the hot strains that continue to emerge....
Funny isn't it that they are not doing that with Covid....
I wonder if this might tie in with the airborne theory ...
So what is the potential risk to humans of eating vaccinated chicken that is carrying Marek's virus but was "healthy" enough to be used for, say, chicken fingers at your favorite fast food restaurant?
I’d be more worried about undercooked eggs in general.
Nothing can be done. Nothing should be done.
They have done us a favour....
Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
The Great Drama of American Shale Production may now be nearing its final act - Goehring & Rozencwajg Natural Resource Investors
For years, we have anticipated that the relentless growth in shale output would crest by late 2024 or early 2025, catching many off-guard. In hindsight, even this expectation might have erred on the side of caution. Quietly and without much fanfare, both shale oil and shale gas appear to have passed their zenith several months ago.
Recent data from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) reveal that shale crude oil production reached its high-water mark in November 2023, only to slide 2%— roughly 200,000 barrels per day—since then. Likewise, shale dry gas production peaked that same month and has since slipped by 1% or 1 billion cubic feet per day. The trajectory from here, according to our models, looks steeper still.
The Precarious State of the Shale Oil Industry:
Try to get your head around the idea that by 2027, US tight oil production might be 12 MM BOPD, not the 9 MM it is now, which is what cheerleaders say it will be, and that means we'll actually have to find and extract 12 MM BOPD... before we can ever grow the new 3 MM. Man, that is a slew of new wells! Thats gonna take like...four times the HZ wells we've already drilled in the US.
Where? https://www.oilystuff.com/single-post/the-hamster-wheel
Consider what happens when the supply of affordable energy tips into a serious deficit...
The global economy will collapse. 8 billion humans will be left on the cold dark streets... angry ... hungry
What do you think they will do?
Murder? Rape? Cannibalism?
The Gates of Hell WILL OPEN. Cut the bullshit if you think otherwise -- cuz you are delusional.
This is where we stand... conventional oil peaked two decades ago... and now the only growing source of oil - shale -- is shrinking.
Bill Gates is a hero ... as is Fauci and all the others who have spent huge time and effort working out out how to reduce the suffering ... how to pre-empt Hell on Earth.
Did you think cnnbbc was gonna tell you that we are on our last legs in terms of the key resource? Of course NOT! That would only invite despair.
Nobody wants the truth. Well I give you the truth.
You will NOT like it
Yeah I've been following the Free Oil thing since the early 2000s, definitely just one of the issues that's probably gonna lead to global conflict.
Although yeah I don't think Gates and Fauci have any idea what they're doing, the FCS wasn't supposed to come back and SARS-CoV-2 was never supposed to go airborne. Human history is the story of hubris leading to collapse, don't think things are much different this time around.
Have you studied The Leviathan gas field located off the coast of Israel? I find it interesting that no one talks about it in relation to what is going on in Israel/Gaza right now.
Yeah but I don't think it's really that big, and like with the massive field off the coast of Brazil, apparently trying to drill down through underwater rock is a huge fucking production that's a lot more expensive than the normal dessert gas and oil, so prices will have to go up a bunch and in the meantime lots of people will be dying so there's gonna be less demand.
Brilliant. Definitive. Reminds me of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's work, from a different angle. Thank you.
Thanks so much for the incredibly high praise, please feel free to pass the article along to anyone you think would benefit!!
So I thought not getting vaccinated was key to survival but if I had covid I am now officially fucked…
Well even HIV doesn't kill in a matter of months, so even if you've been infected there's still lots you can do to keep fighting.
Why did they feel the need to ram those shots into 6 billion people over and over if Covid had already set the stage?
Because they were panicking, and they figured doing something was better than doing nothing and crossing their fingers.
Why did they turn sick people away from the hospitals and tell them to come back when they were much worse...not give them the usual drugs for serious respiratory illnesses.... then give them Midazolam?
You should not use midazolam if you are allergic to it, or if you have:
narrow-angle glaucoma;
untreated or uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma; or
an allergy to cherries.
Tell your doctor if you have ever had:
breathing problems; or
congestive heart failure.
Surely this should not be given to someone with a severe respiratory illness?
Do you think they gave it to them for the purpose of killing huge numbers of them... putting this all over the front pages of news....
Frightening everyone ...
So that they would take the vaccine?
Financial collapse will result in billions perishing before the latter day HIV does its sacred work. Supply chains will break and starvation will ensue.
Cities will be Zombie Apocalypse zones, no potable water will see all the old diseases back to firestorm through the population on the back of compromised immune systems (already started).
At least two infections per year appear to be the norm. Civilisation will collapse, inside 5 years I’d say.
Starvation is even worse and prolonged than hacking your lungs out. Water borne diseases will do the job earlier.
It is grim alright.
Not wrong, but the time will come where humanity might need the last few hundred people to pull through - it's happened before in our history. Civilization is likely toast, barring a miracle, but our species can squeak by if we're lucky.
I think a big tell will be an alarming increase in vehicular accidents, indicating the accelerating cognitive decline. I’m watching for it.
Car insurance rates are already through the roof, and yeah it's gonna probably take a few horrific airliner collisions that kill hundreds at a time to bring the issue up to the level of public consciousness.
Video documentary from the near-collision of planes in Los Angeles: "Stop, stop, stop!"
Yeah I'm very pleasantly surprised that there hasn't been a horrific mid-air collision that kills several hundred yet. I mean knock on wood, because yeah really feels like the clock is ticking.
I would love to engage with anyone who has scientific (or other) questions about this multi-part post. There is way too much good stuff here for me to want to pick an isolated bit to comment on, and in fact, I am most interested in discussing this with interested parties.
Karl Sirotkin PhD (and co-author of that first serial passage paper)
Thank you for asking! I commented above, but thinking more about these posts, I would like to say more. As I wrote before--I love the science.
As I wrote, it sounds like you and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche are seeing the same thing from different angles. He is watching the actual molecular mutations and you are -- well, you are, too, but in a different way.
Extremely interesting, also, your analysis of HIV and polio.
I followed JJ Couey for several years (until he started bashing everybody else in the field--I think he is the reason I read your article back in February, 2021, or was it vice-versa?) and was struck by Couey's argument that a single-strand RNA virus from a lab simply could not reliably create a pandemic because it would quickly mutate. ( actually wrote about this here:
https://haruhuani.substack.com/p/i-now-understand-the-covid-pandemic-b9b )
But I think that, in a vaccine, or in a (large) vaccine trial, you could get enough of the virus into enough people that, if it reactivated, it would have many hosts and it could, by working its way back into viability, cause an actual epidemic in a setting such as construction of the Wuhan Games event. Am I right in thinking that a reactivated virus, seeded in that way, would have a greater coherence of replicability? I am not sure exactly why that would be, but polio and HIV are both single strand RNA viruses, I believe, and they certainly have proven durable.
Since apparently it may take quite awhile for an inactivated live virus to reactivate, researchers could have known for years that his was happening, right?
I do think your politics are a bit off.
I got the impression from the articles that you think there was some kind of mistake made by honest people (suck as Ralph Baric) who were actually working for the betterment of humanity, searching to ward off a possible dangerous bioweapon. I think the virus was created as a bioweapon. My understanding is that when one creates a viral bioweapon, one must also create a cure, or prevention, for it so that your own guys don't get sick from it. I think that is what escaped-- the intended prevention for friendly forces.
I also think this whole thing was well planned-for. Maybe they were caught by surprise when people initially got sick but they had Event 201 all organized and ready to go extremely quickly in the fall of 2019-- and of course they had been organizing similar events, already, for years prior.
And I'm sure you know the emphasis of Event 201 was not public health but rather suppression of the populace.
I think the worst culprits here are NOT in China but in the USA!! It appears that some significant part of the development of this virus was done at the Rocky Mountain labs in Montana (Dr. Meryl Nass wrote this-- not sure her source for his information).
There is a thread, in the article, of Sinophobia that I do that think stands up to reality.
Along this line, the idea that the Uighurs are mistreated is mostly US propaganda. The Chinese researchers would not necessarily have had to force prisoners to volunteer for these trials any more than US pharma necessarily has to recruit prisoners for their trials nowadays. The Chinese people seem, many of them, to be quite loyal to their government, and would volunteer.
I think you may be much more well-versed in science than in geopolitics. That prejudice can cloud your thinking and your argument.
I have already posted about your articles on my two SUBSTACKS, and intend to write a short summary of your posts there where regular people can understand what you are saying I have a small audience, but every bit helps.
Thank you both for your work.
Yeah in a fairly melancholy twist, JJ was actually the very first person to support any of our work at all, all the way back in like February 2020. He did a YouTube review of our early papers while riding his bike, but yeah in the months that followed I guess he lost his job, and then he fell off the map for a bit. And then when he came back on the map he didn't really seem to be the same guy anymore.
And so I think you might have your wires a little bit crossed in terms of what kinds of viruses can revert, totally INACTIVATED viruses like Salk's inactivated Polio vaccine are all-the-way-dead and can't ever revert - but they can still be dangerous if there are industrial fuck-ups making the vaccine, like any product, like with the Cutter incident.
But yes, researchers have known for years that live-attenuated vaccines like OPV and ones made from H1N1 can revert all the way back to virulent. So we agree that this thing started when a LAV reverted faster-than-expected - there's more about the whole process here: https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/understanding-covid-19-and-seasonal
However we're gonna have to disagree about the politics and morality, since just to start it's actually completely and entirely illegal to test anything at all on prisoners in America, because the West considers that a moral abomination - prisoners don't have free will so of course they can't give meaningful consent to anything.
So we're in different moral universes as far as "volunteering" and experimenting on convicts goes, but at least we seem to agree about the science!!
Amazing to me that after all that you have been through you still seem to have faith in the American justice system. But you're right. This is not the most important thing in this discussion.
Oh I definitely don't have any faith in the formal American judicial system at all, I'm sure Biden will be throwing Fauci a pardon and it wouldn't surprise me if Baric is even added in there as well at some point.
However what I do have faith in, is the American sense of justice that first emerged to make this country what it is. There's a reason we Americans like our guns so much, because they're the constant insurance against the government trying to pull some stupid bullshit like protecting mass murders from justice.
Oh, yes. Viral swarms. Yes!
And, other than general good health measures and not getting the vaxx, I would think that ivermectin prophylaxis a couple of times a week long term might be helpful? Having no vaxx but apparently having had long Covid (cutaneous vasculitis by my diagnosis) I have come to feel that there may be less difference between the Covidd virus and the Vaxx spike protein than we may think. They are both artificial and venal...and according to your thinking, long-lasting. BTW I found aspirin 350 mg daily, HCQ 200 mg Bid and nattokinase to be helpful-- I am still taking low doses of ivm and HCQ plus vitamin D and restarted nattokinase, because to me it feels like the virus is still there. Reading what you guys say here I am wondering long term ivm and HCQ would be helpful? I guess there is no way to know at present. Do you think my reasoning is correct?
One more thing-- I msged Dr. Hazan on X about your articles. She did not sound very interested. Also msged some others-- Dr. Makis, Pierre Kory, Lynn Fynn, Dr. Vanden Bossche, forget all who-- I never hear back from these people.
Thanks so much for trying, I've been pissing into the blizzard of trying to get any other scientists onboard for years now - with no luck, so don't feel bad it's definitely not you. And I've heard great thinks about nattokinase along with a bunch of other herbal-type supplements, not sure about the other stuff but I've presented all the preventative advice I can here:
I am not sure if this is the best place to reply but here goes.
1. I will read the posts you linked above and may have more comments. Perhaps the answer to my comment here is in those posts.
BUT. I mentioned that I had, am still recovering a year later, actually, from a cutaneous vasculitis which I, unvaxxed, am virtually certain resulted from a Covid infection, my first, last fall. (I was stuck as a juror for 12 hours in a stuffy closed courtroom with about 25 other people last October-- three days later--sick. Eight days later started breaking out.) It took me quite awhile to diagnose myself as this is not a common "long Covid" reaction and cutaneous vasculitis is not a common skin condition, anyway. Last spring, when I did figure out at least a tentative diagnosis, I started ivermectin 12 mg daily. But what really turned the tide, I think, was when I added 200 mg hydroxychloroquine BID plus aspirin 350 daily plus nattokinase 4000 units daily (the last two added to undo microclotting). The lichenified patches on my lower legs subsided to very large dark blue blood lakes-- at this time the "lakes" are much smaller and have turned brown. The sort of pathognomonic fibrous lumps are slowly subsiding as well.
Back in February, I could, I think, actually "see" the spike protein with what I guess you could call second sight. The offending proteins appeared as rectangular, somewhat metallic, uniform shapes, off in the left side of my field of vision. I started to subjectively feel then that not only the vaxx, but the initial virus itself, was alien and poisonous.
At this point, December 2024, I still sense the virus in my body but the impressions are much fainter. Subdued with treatment. But the virus has not gone away.
All of this leads to my question. I wonder if chronic IVM plus HCQ plus maybe nattokinase might be helpful long term to stave off advanced disease? This is what I am pretty much planning to do. Something like, ivm 12 mg twice weekly, HCQ 200 daily or maybe a few times weekly, plus probably nattokinase. (Daily aspirin too hard on stomach.) What do you think?
If you are correct these things will at some point no longer be available, of course.
2. I have spent a few hours re-reading, studying, and thinking about these two posts. I am more and more impressed with your meticulous reasoning and implacable plodding toward your thesis statement.
3. Finally, I just picked out this paragraph from a SUBSTACK by someone named Jon Fleetwood. Jessica Rose re-posted it today. (Hooray for SUBSTACK.) The post was mostly unremarkable (to you, I suspect) but this paragraph jumped out. I don't know who Jim Haslam is but I am going to look him up:
"Researcher Jim Haslam has provided strong evidence that the goal of SARS-CoV2 gain-of-function research funded by the U.S. government was not merely to produce a virus, but to create a self-spreading COVID vaccine that acts like a virus.
"The virus-vaccine would infect individuals and transmit to others like any purported virus would do naturally.
"Haslam explained his theory in an interview with renowned internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.
"Haslam argues the COVID pandemic virus “was the vaccine.”
'“I think we’re all scared of having to take the [COVID] vaccine. We didn’t want to take this experimental vaccine. Well, we took it already. What you thought was an infection was an inoculation. The spike protein of the mRNA vaccine is a mirror image of the spike protein of the COVID-19 virus,” Haslam told McCullough.
'“The one big difference is this one (the vaccine) comes from a needle and it goes in a body—this one (the virus-vaccine) is spread by aerosol.”
"You can watch Haslam’s statements to McCullough in a segment of the interview below....."
Link to Rose/Fleet post. The above snippet appears about halfway through the post, no date given.
Unacceptable Jessica cross-posted a post from Jon Fleetwood
Jessica Rose
Dec 29 · Unacceptable Jessica
"This is long, but important to consider."
4. I am planning to write a whole post about your articles on my own SUBSTACK, soon.
Best wishes and many thanks.
Haruhuani Spruce, M.D.
Thanks again for all the high praise, I've been writing about this pandemic for awhile and you've genuinely given me some of the most appreciative compliments yet!!
Yeah Jim Haslam has been cribbing off my work for a long time now, no idea why he wants to focus on bat-vaccines and all his wacky scenarios. But there's a reason he didn't write any peer-reviewed papers about an engineered virus, even after all this time and especially not back in August 2020 (not sure he's ever published anything peer reviewed in his life) - because he doesn't understand basic fundamentals of science. SARS2 doesn't infect bats in the wild, and hardly binds to their cells - this virus didn't start around any project relating to infecting bats.
LAVs spread within the community through poop be definition, and any LAV that went airborne would do the same thing. This isn't some wacky new science, it's the oldest form of viral engineering there is.
I honestly don't have any experience with IVM or HCQ, but I wouldn't just limit yourself to them. Natto is safe to take daily, but there's research around CBD and lots of other plant-derived compounds, for instance I'd look into hyssop and all the bitter herbs from Passover:
And definitely nicotine, another plant chemical - smoking and chew are bad, but unflavored nicotine gum without any flavorings is as safe as it comes. Nicotine isn't a carcinogen, it's the other shit that gets burnt up in tobacco.
Here it is. Did my est. Your comments are appreciated. Haru
Thanks for the link. I just subscribed. Been following Dan since the beginning. Incredible insight to the coverup. I watch clowns like Asher post on X as if they give a Fk about humanity.
Hi Laurie--thanks for subscribing! Hope you will read and maybe comment on my new post about the Sirotkin material. Best wishes, Haru
The problem is that if enough people die ... this happens
And prepping is futile https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-utter-futility-of-doomsday-prepping
my prep is a bullet to my head. I read the trilogy on the EMP attack. I am not going through that. I already know I am not hearty enough to live cold, dark and hungry. I admit it. I am from 1973! What can I say. I am getting right with Jesus and some days I ask why not just retire and enjoy what my hard work has given me.
Not the worst idea, but depending on your situation it might be better going out trying to help a little kid have a slightly better chance of making it.
So maybe like knit socks until you starve to death instead of getting all dramatic.
Ha ha ha ha ha... I will take up knitting. 2025... The year of the socks! Had a good ring to it. Maybe by 2026 I can progress to felting wool for hats and jackets.
Well let us know so we can read it too!
The reason they have done this is to prevent the gates of hell from opening ...
The MSM was never gonna announce this:
World crude oil extraction reached an all-time high of 84.6 million barrels per day in late 2018, and production hasn’t been able to regain that level since then.
Recent data from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) reveal that shale crude oil production reached its high-water mark in November 2023, only to slide 2%— roughly 200,000 barrels per day—since then. Likewise, shale dry gas production peaked that same month and has since slipped by 1% or 1 billion cubic feet per day. The trajectory from here, according to our models, looks steeper still.
I have zero scientific background but I do have a question:
If Covid itself has been engineered to wipe us out....
Why did they need to vaccinate billions repeatedly and forcefully?
I did not mean to imply I agreed it was designed to wipe out humanity. I agreed that in the process of deattenuation it has become very dangerous.
Your's is my favourite substack. Thank you!
Thanks so much for reading!!
SARS-CoV-2 variants are not simply competing with each other, but are in fact WORKING TOGETHER in a COOPERATIVE MANNER !!!
Conclusions: Our study uncovers seasonal patterns of emergence and diversification occurring amid a highly dynamic evolutionary landscape of bursts and waves. The mapping of genetically-linked mutations to structures that sense environmental change with powerful ab initio modeling tools demonstrates the potential of deep-learning for COVID-19 predictive intelligence and therapeutic intervention.
Dates back to 2023 but very interesting.
What if the variants are communicating? That issue has been raised before if I recall correctly.
Yup really cool study, talk more about that kind of quasispecies thing here: https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/understanding-covid-19-and-seasonal
Do you see the possibility that Fauci was not seeking a pan-corona vaccine, but rather a vaccine for HIV? It seems in keeping with his character that he would want to be seen as the Jonas Salk of the 21st century who eradicated HIV since he rose to prominence in the 1980s due to his involvement with HIV?
I don't think there's been any signs that SARS2 interacts with SIV or HIV directly, although they both act in similar ways since they're both reverting LAVs that fry our immune systems. So I don't think he wanted to be Jonas Salk, but I do think he wanted history to someday know he'd managed to coverup the origins of both HIV and SARS:
Maybe...but I'm not completely convinced. One should not underestimate Fauci's enormous ego...
"HIV vaccine: Dr. Fauci explained that research continues for a safe and effective HIV vaccine because that will be a “nail in the coffin” for the epidemic. Since it can be challenging to get the existing HIV prevention and treatment tools to all those who need them, he noted, “if you want a truly global, effective, durable end to the epidemic, the only way you’re going to do that is with a safe and effective vaccine..."
Suppose SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne HIV type virus that leads to chronic infection that cannot be cleared completely from the body that eventually results in immunodeficiency and death by opportunistic infections 5-10 years from initial infection.
What are the mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 maintains chronic infection leading to immunodeficiency?
May you elaborate on how SARS-CoV-2 is cleared or not cleared from the body and if not cleared, by what mechanism does this unclear-able chronic infection persist and leads to immunodeficiency.
Thanks & Cheers
If you scroll down there's a bunch of different sections outlining the damage COVID does to the body, one section's titled Autoimmunity. But in a nutshell, just like HIV it kills off our white blood cells so the door is opened for opportunistic infections.
Thank you.
Have you read any of the work of Dr Sabine Hazan. It aligns perfectly with what you are saying about the gut connection. If I am saying this correctly, she found that those without bifido bacteria in their guts got worse covid, covid vax killed the bifido and that this loss of bifido is not good if you want to survive covid and the vax. I know we are coming more and more to realize the importance of our gut, but after reading your 2 articles, I am even more convinced!
Dr.Sabine Hazan exposes COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines killed all the bifidobacteria in mRNA jabbed doctors, newborns, etc.
We interacted a little on Twitter but I think it was like two years ago, I've been talking about the importance of poo since I wrote the article pinned at the top of this site, since only poo shows the full array of the quasispecies swarm at any given time, or at least the most of it - far more than blood or snot or whatever. But yeah interacting with the gut bacteria makes sense given how much ACE2 there is down there, I'm pretty sure I've agreed with at least the general thrust of her arguments.
It just seems to make more sense because I read this two article series. It's like the puzzle pieces locking together and clicking. I didn't not believe her. But with your work here I understand the significance of the system and the impact on our biology. Scary and fascinating.
Yeah I suppose the good news is that at least some people have an understanding of what's going on.
I felt I had a good understanding of the lies of BS policies and explanations. But now having read this I feel woefully unprepared to try to explain it to others. I read it to my husband who reads many more topics than I do. But he doesn't have a science background so he gets that glazed over look. He is a mechanic by trade, so the how and why of stuff fascinates his. But add too much science and you lose him. And now after reading these 2 articles, when I listen to people arguing over the lab leak theory, I am screaming at the radio!
Thanks so much for trying, and yeah it's gonna be really hard to get through the really thick layer of bullshit spread by the corporate media. In case he's into Biblical stuff, this article frames things in those terms: https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/azraels-inoculation-against-a-hardened
This comment is limited to the hyperlink at the end of the article. What it showed is during the Omicron wave wastewater (aka poop) gave a better estimate of the community infection rate by a factor of 19. They got the ratio from earlier infections when more testing was done and the testing worked better for the variants; however, note that even at that time, the testing was likely an underestimate, so the article that the link above is based on, really is saying the underestimate was 19 times worse during the Omicron wave. Since less testing and variants that would escape the testing done are worse now, wastewater is even more important to monitor.
The underlying article can be found here:
Or using this google search
Omicron COVID-19 Case Estimates Based on Previous SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Load, Regional Municipality of Peel, Ontario, Canada" site:.gov
Quasi species storm gets so little discussion publicly by anyone else. From what I have read, there is a series of laws that 'legally prevent you' from knowing your Covid variant. Which seems fascist, if only because a nose swab and a few minutes of nucleotide testing tell you what version of influenza (A or B) your kid tests positive for.
But of course the CDC and various Covid genome projects claim to know entire variant lineages and their mutations/lineages.
I hate to ask a potentially libelous question: What kind of science are the various SC2 genetic databases doing?
NCBI is perhaps the main repository for genetic squences. It has a blast database of all SC2 genomes submitted. It no longer does any sequence analysis, except for collapsing HUMAN SNP reports to reduce duplicates.
I would be interested in laws in the US preventing a person knowing their own SC2 infecting linages. I have not heard of any.
Well...I tried digging into this, but it appears to be to legally confusing. In my life, whenever I attempt to interpret law, I am always impressed with how the vague written laws and codes actually are and how much I can misinterpret them. Here are some links:
Also: My search query "law preventing you from knowing your variant" gives absolutely worthless results on Google Chrome. On the search engine Brave (in the Brave Browser), I easily found the public and academic links above the exact same query.
However, when I queried their respective AIs (Leo(Brave), Gemini(Goggle), they both replied with the *exact* same opening line: "There are no specific laws or codes that prevent an individual from knowing the COVID-19 variant they tested positive for." The respective AIs then went on to qualify that comment.
AI Question: What are the laws and codes preventing an individual from knowing the Covid variant he tested positive for?
AI Answers:
Leo: Brave AI
There are no specific laws or codes that prevent an individual from knowing the COVID-19 variant they tested positive for. However, the process of identifying and tracking COVID-19 variants is complex and requires advanced laboratory techniques. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health departments prioritize surveillance efforts to monitor the spread of variants and detect new ones. When an individual tests positive for COVID-19, the focus is typically on providing appropriate medical care, contact tracing, and preventing further spread. In some cases, the specific variant may be identified, but this information may not always be shared with the individual due to logistical, resource, or public health priorities.
Gemini: Google AI
There are no specific laws or codes that explicitly prevent individuals from knowing the COVID-19 variant they tested positive for.
However, here's why you might not be routinely informed:
Limited Routine Testing:
Most at-home tests and many rapid tests simply detect the presence of the virus, not the specific variant.
Genomic sequencing, required to identify variants, is often reserved for:
Surveillance purposes: To track the spread of new and concerning variants within the community. Outbreak investigations: To understand the characteristics of outbreaks in specific settings. Research studies: To gather data on the evolving nature of the virus.
Focus on Clinical Care: The specific COVID-19 variant usually doesn't significantly alter the recommended course of treatment or isolation guidelines for most individuals. Medical professionals prioritize providing appropriate care based on the patient's symptoms and overall health. Where to Find Information (If Applicable):
Public Health Agencies: Your local or state public health department may have information about circulating variants in your area. Healthcare Provider: If your infection is part of an outbreak investigation or if your doctor deems it medically relevant, they may be able to provide information about the specific variant. Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge and guidance only. For specific legal or medical advice, consult with a qualified professional.
So it sounds less like laws preventing and more like common practice and resource limitations if I understand the above. Again, I am also unsure.
Great article - thanks! Do you have any thoughts about why Baric/WIV added the apparently bad "stuff" e.g. SEB, HIV, prions, etc. components to the LAV? We're they hoping the body would create some immunity to those in addition to the COV? Or might it have been their attempt to manage how the immune system responds? These add-ons seem to be more characteristic of a bio weapon. Unless there is a targeting process whereby with the "target" you get a LAV but without it acts more pathogenic...
Yup great question and that's something I need to clarify in the article. My best guess is that the first step was building a highly-pathogenic chimera, a virus that would behave like MERS and be incredibly deadly and the result of splicing lots of coronaviruses together into Frankenviruses and passaging the fuck out of them until they were as deadly as possible.
Because it's only starting with an incredibly deadly virus in a highly-pathogenic state that you can create a LAV. A LAV needs to express all the possible epitopes of that virus, with Rabies that's easy to identify because there's foaming and craziness, but with respiratory viruses you don't know things are highly-pathogenic until all your chickens are dying.
Which is why there are signs of a bioweapon with COVID infections yet at the same time well over 90% of the world carries SARS2 antibodies but the world still seems to be mostly going along like nothing is wrong.
If you don't look too hard.
SARS-CoV-2 without its FCS is very obviously a LAV, but most of the world met it with the FCS so there's pathogenicity, and the more time that passes and the more transmission that occurs means more and more of lethal parts of the virus start to pop-up.
I don't understand everything you write but some of my questions are:
1. How could sars cov 2 ever be approved, even as a non airborne LAV given all the harms you've noted? (Or does the absence of an FCS render it less dangerous?) Others have noted other dangers too - something about cancer promoters and proinergenic sequences.
2. Ignoring the dishonesty and risks of mRNA technology, the vaccines don't seem like a genuine attempt to stop the virus. Something about 19 proteins in SC2 and vaccines only targetting one which happens to be both highly volatile/evolvable and dangerous. We're they really trying to stop transmission or just poison the human genome?
I have always found it peculiar that Fauci seemed bamboozled by the outbreak. So I accept he wasn't the coordinator of it and that it might have been a work for some decent purpose. But it's hard to understand why all the bioweapon stuff is in it. And then there was the psychopathic vaccine roll out just to prove they preferred us dead than alive.
(Also, you write that Event 201 was in Wuhan but I think it was in New York.) :-)
1. The article mentions that when you remove its FCS, SARS2 acts just like a LAV - doesn't even spread among hamsters.
2. I don't have proof, but I think the arc of human history is more about sociopathic assholes making mistakes and not owning up to it, than Comic Book Movie Villain Plots to kill everyone on earth.
SARS2 has hints of a bioweapon, because before its parent virus was attenuated down into a LAV it would've been basically a bioweapon and have been at least as deadly as MERS. So it's working its way back to being one. And I did my best to explain Fauci's behavior here: https://www.harvard2thebighouse.com/p/welcome-to-mengeles-laboratory
Thanks for the great questions, AND for the catch that Event 201 was in NYC, just happening while the WMG were - so I got that confused, thanks so much!!
So I do understand that the vaccine roll out might have been a last ditch attempt to stop the virus but then why use such a poor template?
Really good question, dunno but best guess I have is that doing more than one protein with the mRNA platform would’ve taken at least twice as long, and they were desperate to try something and get it out the door ASAP.
"Baffling rise in post-pandemic mortality..."
I'm guessing not so baffling to you...call me Nostradamus.
Wikipedia has become a dumpster - sad.
Yeah true, but lots of normies still use it as a pretty decisive reference.
V-1000 reassembling. it appears:
China 🇨🇳 Declares State of Emergency as Epidemic Overwhelms Hospitals and Crematoriums.
Multiple viruses, including Influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and COVID-19, are spreading rapidly across China.
4:43 AM · Jan 2, 2025
China is facing a surge in multiple viruses, including Influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and COVID-19, overwhelming hospitals and crematoriums.
Children's hospitals are particularly strained by rising pneumonia and "white lung" cases.
4:50 AM · Jan 2, 2025
The surge in cases has also led to an alarming increase in sudden deaths, with people aged 40 to 80 being particularly affected.
Funeral industry operators have reported crematoriums are so full that some have exploded due to the high volume of deceased.
In rural areas like Hunan, many locals are unable to afford medical care, leading to a rise in deaths from untreated conditions.
The Chinese CDC confirmed a rise in acute respiratory infections nationwide, fueling widespread panic
Ms. Wang, a funeral director in Zhejiang, described long cremation lines, with VIP furnaces in use, emitting heavy smoke. She likened the scene to a bustling New Year market.
As a result, the government has declared a state of emergency in response to the escalating epidemic.
4:54 AM · Jan 2, 2025
Or just lots and lots of widespread immune system damage opening the door up to all kinds of pathogens.