The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Begins and Ends with Bill Gates
Why the efforts to suppress this pandemic's engineered origins go far beyond the public denials of corrupt government officials and the inane arguments of compromised scientists.
Dan Sirotkin is the co-author of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which settled a 50-year mystery and formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.
There are few people alive more interested in vaccine development than Bill Gates, perhaps because after feeling like he’d pretty much conquered the digital world of ones and zeroes by the late 1990s, there was nothing left for him to do but apply his genius to the genetic world of nucleotides: As, Ts, Gs, and Cs.
Not binary like the digital world, but perhaps close enough.
But the thing is, Gate’s forays into vaccination programs haven’t always gone so well. Back in 2009 a Gates-sponsored HPV vaccine from Merck caused severe side effects among hundreds of the Indian girls it was administered to, ultimately killing seven of them. In addition to the faulty science behind this vaccine program, was evidence that the majority of patients had no idea what they were signing up for, but were pushed through into treatment anyways.
More unethical behavior was reported in the Gates-funded MenAfriVac campaign in Chad, in which between 50 and 500 children vaccinated for meningitis were reported to develop paralysis, leading a South African newspaper to announce that “we are guinea pigs for the drug-makers.”
If you’re skeptical about those claims and the sourcing, a peer-reviewed look at the DTP and polio vaccine found that it caused much more harm than good during a huge vaccine campaign in urban Africa. And there are a scattershot of other accounts covering possible malfeasance by Gates-funded vaccination programs all across the globe. So not that Bill Gates is personally punching little kids in the face, but that his well-meaning funding may end up in a lot of the wrong places in the blind pursuit for results, providing financing for very shady and not-entirely ethical practices.
However an admittedly far more admirable vaccine push has come from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, which has been heavily funded by Gates since the 1980s, and had quite nearly wiped Polio off the face of the earth. But then a funny thing happened in 2017, when for the first time more children were paralyzed by the reverted live-attenuated vaccine (LAV) against Polio known as OPV, than by wild cases of the virus.
And then by 2022, those 21 cases from the reverted LAV back in 2017 had ballooned all the way up to 786 cases all around the world. Clearly, something was going wrong. Then things got even worse in 2023, when the specialized LAV known as nOPV that had been designed specifically not to revert at all and also block cases from reverting OPV, also began to generate cases of its own after reverting all the way back to virulence just like the original OPV.
Bill Gates was beginning to learn what happened when he sent his spiders after his flies, already swallowed by old ladies across the third world. So with that history in mind, perhaps we should all be just a teensy bit skeptical about programs like this:
Gates said he plans to set up a 3,000-person social media unit to help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future. He stressed that “good messages” need to be carried forward by people of trust in the community, such as political and ethnic leaders.
And just maybe it’s worth considering that there was something just a little bit fishy about Event 201, co-sponsored by Gates and the World Economic Forum, which was all about developing an emergency vaccine in response to a global pandemic, and which went down just as this pandemic has been estimated to have emerged.
The past few years have been just a bit stressful.
After it became obvious that the American government was deeply involved with covering-up SARS-CoV-2’s origins, for the first few months of 2020 after I begin publicly writing about this virus being engineered - I kept my blinds shut tight, hoping that’d keep a sniper’s bullet from exploding my head like an overripe watermelon.
But probably the most unnerving moment throughout all of this happened a little bit after our peer-reviewed paper arguing for a lab origin of this pandemic was finally published back in August 2020. A week or two later, right around when me and my dad were contacted by a group that included a former Secretary of the Navy who’d written whitepapers about cooperating more with China on STEM matters alongside current CIA director Avril Haines, an old family contact asked to come by the little room I rent above a garage for a visit.
Which seemed odd.
Dude had never once been interested in hanging-out with just me in the roughly 30 years I’d known him, but life as a registered sex-offender is fairly lonely, so I said sure. Previously the absolute only times I’d ever seen this guy was with my dad, since they’d met decades ago, and nothing had ever happened with me and him without my dad’s involvement as well.
And although the only times I’d been around him previously were either at his house during big parties or out to a meal with my dad along, for some fucking reason this fucking guy decided to invite me and my dog up to Deep Creek Lake to go out on his boat. Which might not sound terribly ominous on its face, just a guy with a boat - however when you consider that this fucking guy spent his career working for the “State Department” while heading off to Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and the Middle East to work on “agricultural matters” you’ll begin to understand my concern.
Since the State Department is one of the primary covers used by the CIA for its spooks, which okay doesn’t necessarily mean anything - not everyone at State is actually a spook. But the thing is, when I was applying to the NSA’s high school scholarship program, I got one of my references from the late Frank Anderson, who by then was retired from being a rather notorious spook with the CIA and had been publicly talking about it for decades - he’d previously come to my seventh grade Career Day to discuss life as a CIA officer.
And at the retirement for this contact I’ve been discussing, I heard a group of several older gentlemen with lots of white hair and white mustaches discussing Frank Anderson, who was still alive and fighting cancer at the time. They got real weird when I jumped in with a health update and discussed going to middle and high school with his son - and they definitely didn’t seem to appreciate that I then asked if they’d all worked together at some point in the past.
Maybe like, farming together.
So no, luckily for me and my dog, I am not in fact fucking stupid enough to go out on a boat with someone who’s basically a stranger to me, especially not when they’re a “retired” CIA spook with who knows how much innocent blood on their hands already. And even more especially not after a paper I’d written had just been published, which began to expose the massive cover-up that my own government is very much involved with, that’s now claimed many tens of millions of lives and counting.
If that’d been an honest request to socialize, don’t you think an invitation all the way out to go hours away and out on a boat would’ve been tempered with, I dunno, maybe just driving fifteen minutes to come by his house for dinner? But after I declined the invitation to get me and my dog murdered out in the middle of a fucking lake, and never heard a peep from the guy again. However a few weeks later, Josh Rogin with the Washington Post would call pretending to be a reporter, ask a bunch about our paper, and then go write a bunch more for the Washington Post about the pandemic, all acting like our peer-reviewed paper did not exist.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have been that surprised, since the New York Times and CNN had already pulled the exact same thing.
Behavior that’s been mimicked by Vanity Fair, The Intercept, ProPublica, The New York Times, The Economist, USRTK, and literally every other outlet that’s been cosplaying as journalists during this pandemic. All of which rely on large corporate donors to keep running, and none of which have even the slightest shred of journalistic integrity - spending years and years acting like our peer-reviewed papers and everything else I’ve written do not exist at all, despite being first in the door about a lab origin and having academic primacy.
And on top of all that, then there was Alina Chan and Matt Ridley attempting to bribe other scientists to remove me and my dad from another paper we’d been working on in a big group about the pandemic’s origins:
All this started out frustrating, and then eventually became laughably transparent as CIA-influenced propaganda to help perpetuate the cover-up. After all, that’s been one of the CIA main functions for many decades:
“I was also an interrogator and indeed briefed the press when we, the CIA, wanted to circulate disinformation on a particular issue. This information is not necessarily a lie, it may be a half-truth, and we would pick-out a journalist, I would go do the briefing, and hope that he would put the information in print… and I would say our percentage [of success] planting that kind of data was seventy to eighty percent.
“The correspondents we targeted were those who had terrific influence, the most respected journalists… We would go after these gentlemen, I would be directed to cultivate them, to spend time with them at the Caravel Hotel or the Continental Hotel, to socialize with them, and slowly but surely to try to gain their confidence by dolloping out valid information, information which was true and then I would drop in, into a conversation the data that we wanted to get across which might not be true.
Any of that starting to sound familiar?
I didn’t realize it at at the time, but this story first began to turn its pages a couple decades ago all the way back in August 2001, while I was a tanned teenaged guest a few weeks graduated from high school, happily marinating within a private hot tub that was snuggled inside the hoity-toity beach enclaves of North Carolina’s Outer Banks.
After dragging myself out of bed each dawn for a long jog across the quiet morning sands inhabited in those early hours only by straggling hermit crabs and the odd abandoned collection of beer bottles, I settled into the hot tub and kicked my feet up, watching as another hazy sun burnt its way up through the rainbow’s spectrum, on its way to arch across the sky and set the slow solar metronome to another lazy summer day at the beach.
Ironically, that beach house was owned by the first old friend to turn his back on me after my arrest, and - although I had no clue at the time - was purchased with blood money gained from yet another failed live-attenuated vaccine protocol that was forced out into the world regardless of any possible blowback, because of all the profit that had been dangled in front of its designers. It always confused me why his dad never wanted to talk to my dad at all, since they were both supposed to be scientists. But that suddenly made sense when I realized that although my father is in fact an actual scientist guided by morals and ethics, while his father was a whore who was cosplaying as a scientist in an attempt to make as much money as possible - regardless of how much innocent life was damaged in the process.
Since I’d be at the beach for two whole weeks, I figured I could get training runs in every morning, and cap those off by working my way through the packet I’d been given by my trainer at the NSA, which was funding my ROTC-style full-ride to Harvard, which the late Frank Anderson had written me a recommendation for. All expenses were paid but I was expected to work for the government for five years after graduating - seemed reasonable at the time. And easily the coolest thing about that packet was the UI/FOUO markings along the top and bottom of every single page - Unofficial, For Official Use Only. Finally, at long last, after all these years and all those Tom Clancy novels I’d ravaged all throughout elementary and middle school, some almost secret squirrel shit.
“Almost” because those markings only meant the packet consisted of official government information, in theory maybe some of it used to be classified, but unlike the more involved markings that designate which countries could see certain reports and who had to approve their release, UI/FOUO didn’t really mean anything beyond an ego boost. So sitting back in that hot tub ready to rock-out like Jack Ryan with his cock-out, I started to try and shape my thinking around concepts of probabilities and uncertainty, and learning the basic elements of analytical spycraft.
But when you’re kicked back in a hot tub alongside one of the ritziest and most exclusive beachfronts in the world, ready to step through Harvard’s doors in a few weeks on a full-ride from the Intelligence Community and as a recruited athlete, and when you’re pretty sure that during your senior year visit a few months prior Natalie Portman gave you directions to Harvard Station from South Station - seeming so very teeny-tiny for a movie star while holding Lord & Taylor bags and with giant Breakfast at Tiffany’s glasses on - isn’t everything going along exactly as it should be?
What could possibly go wrong?
Probably the first clue I had that the Intelligence Community wasn’t all it was purported to be was early September 2001, just a few weeks after my hot-tub reading through that secret squirrel packet, when my trainer at the NSA emailed me back to let me know that I was not allowed to take Arabic during my freshman year of college. This seemed really bizarre since I hadn’t passed out of the foreign language requirement that Harvard had for graduating, missing the cut-off of the French test by a few points out of several hundred, so I’d need a year of studying some foreign language for Harvard to let me graduate at all.
And since I’d already gotten permission to take a couple of courses on the Middle East and study that region in general, not being able to take a single year of Arabic seemed extraordinarily nonsensical and borderline moronic. But I was just a freshman in college a few weeks into his Department of Defense oath to preserve and protect the United States Constitution, so I backed down after my trainer threatened to put a formal disciplinary letter in my file, and I agreed to just take French for one more year instead of starting Arabic.
But then a few days passed, and it was the eleventh day of the month.
After frantically trying to call my dad since I was worried NIH might get hit next, from Taking Your Kid Into Work Day years before I remembered my dad working in one really big shiny building that seemed like it might be a nice juicy target. But the cell-towers were all full, and I just had to wait and watch the television along with the rest of my floor as the carnage spread across the East Coast.
Later in the afternoon I finally got through to my Dad via email, and then a little while later saw that my NSA trainer was calling me, so of course I immediately picked-up:
“Yeah hey, thanks for the call… you, you what? You want me to take Arabic now? But like a week ago you threatened to discipline me for wanting to just study it for a single year? Okay yeah obviously things have changed, but send an email to me so I have this in writing, because I was threatened with disciplinary action for wanting to take Arabic literally a week ago. Yes… I can still change, classes aren’t finalized until the 15th.”
And so, Allah was in fact willing, and I began my four year journey studying a language that I’d never have more proficiency with than a severely learning-disabled second-grader. This entire experience probably should’ve shaken my faith in the Intelligence Community more than it did.
Morally, intellectually, functionally - America has not had an Intelligence Community in at least several years and probably several decades, instead its many buildings worth of cowards and morons who are happy to drag their faces across their keyboards so long as the checks and eventually the promotions keep rolling in. Because that is the absolute only thing you need to get promoted inside the federal government: Keep sitting there, and you’ll be promoted in time. There is very little meritocratic about America’s government service in general, but the Intelligence Community especially has long become a pawn of weapons manufactures and special interests.
Especially one extra-special interest, but more about him soon.
And it turns out that, strangely enough, all the training I’d ever really need was in those Tom Clancy books I’d already read, and in that packet of UI/FOUO information I’d taken to the beach with me on vacation that was supposed to teach me the basics of Intelligence Analysis. The packet emphasized a few things: Being clear with your measurement of probability, be wary of misdirection, and being careful about attribution if you didn’t really have proof.
Intelligence in the spycraft sense has always been about deception, so in nearly every Tom Clancy novel and certainly throughout history there’s always an effort to create cut-outs, intermediaries, red-herrings, limited hangouts - anything to insulate the people pulling the strings from what’s actually happening and redirect attention towards a decoy. Shell companies are created, covers are given to operatives, stories are told and lies woven - nothing is ever supposed to be what it seems. The guys who pulled-off 9/11 used fake IDs, lied about why they were training to fly, and used deception to hide what they were doing.
The most important thing to do isn't trying to prove that the truth is completely false, but instead create as many frontmen as you can who are presenting distractions and parts of the truth, without the full picture.
Just like special forces have always done throughout history, since the functional line between terrorist and spy or special forces has never been particularly thick. Although there’s certainly a moral line, one that was starkly drawn once again in blood-spattered sand about a year ago, as Israel began to learn some of the same lessons that American did on 9/11.
So if elements within the American government such as senior staff inside NIH were closely involved with the funding and development of a live-attenuated vaccine (LAV) in partnership with China’s PLA, would they come clean and admit what happened if it reverted faster than expected and began to spread out of control - like the military-linked LAV for H1N1 did back in 1977 - or would they roll out the deception, misdirection, and distractions?
In late November 2023, a rather startling whistleblower’s report was published by Public News revealing a massive internet censorship operation being run directly by elements within the American government:
The whistleblower's documents describe everything from the genesis of modern digital censorship programs to the role of the military and intelligence agencies, partnerships with civil society organizations and commercial media, and the use of sock puppet accounts and other offensive techniques.
"Lock your shit down," explains one document about creating "your spy disguise.” Another explains that while such activities overseas are "typically" done by "the CIA and NSA and the Department of Defense," censorship efforts "against Americans" have to be done using private partners because the government doesn't have the "legal authority."
The ambitions of the 2020 pioneers of the Censorship Industrial Complex went far beyond simply urging Twitter to slap a warning label on Tweets, or to put individuals on blacklists. The Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Techniques (AMITT) framework calls for discrediting individuals as a necessary prerequisite of demanding censorship against them.
Oh hey, and if Alina Chan or Matt Ridley or Richard Ebright or a member of D.R.A.S.T.I.C hadn’t already told you already - I’m an ex-con who’s gonna be on the sex-offender registry for the rest of his life. What this has do with the origins of a pandemic virus that’s spreading out of control and murdering tens of millions of people all over the globe?
Your guess is as good as mine.
However bringing up my criminal record sure has helped keep all of my work buried, despite being the first to write about an engineered lab origin all the way back in January 2020 in a whitepaper that went in front of the National Security Council courtesy of their former Director of Intelligence Programs. And then passing peer-review and being academically published arguing for an engineered virus way back in August 2020 and then again in February 2021 - with that latter paper finally demonstrating that the virus of 1977 had been engineered via serial passage in what was clearly part of a live-attenuated vaccine protocol.
The sum total of the documents is a clear picture of a highly coordinated and sophisticated effort by the US and UK governments to build a domestic censorship effort and influence operations similar to the ones they have used in foreign countries. At one point, Terp openly referenced her work “in the background” on social media issues related to the Arab Spring. Another time, the whistleblower said, she expressed her own apparent surprise that she would ever use such tactics, developed for foreign nationals, against American citizens.
According to the whistleblower, roughly 12-20 active people involved in the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) worked at the FBI or CIA…
CTIL’s approach to “disinformation” went far beyond censorship. The documents show that the group engaged in offensive operations to influence public opinion, discussing ways to promote “counter-messaging,” co-opt hashtags, dilute disfavored messaging, create sock puppet accounts, and infiltrate private invite-only groups.
Breuer admitted in a podcast that his aim was to bring military tactics to use on social media platforms in the U.S. “I wear two hats,” he explained. “The military director of the Donovan Group, and one of two innovation officers at Sofwerx, which is a completely unclassified 501c3 nonprofit that's funded by U. S. Special Operations Command.”
Breuer went on to describe how they thought they were getting around the First Amendment. His work with Terp, he explained, was a way to get “nontraditional partners into one room,” including “maybe somebody from one of the social media companies, maybe a few special forces operators, and some folks from Department of Homeland Security… to talk in a non-attribution, open environment in an unclassified way so that we can collaborate better, more freely and really start to change the way that we address some of these issues.”
The report laments that governments and corporate media no longer have full control of information. “For a long time, the ability to reach mass audiences belonged to the nation-state (e.g. in the USA via broadcast licensing through ABC, CBS and NBC). Now, however, control of informational instruments has been allowed to devolve to large technology companies who have been blissfully complacent and complicit in facilitating access to the public for information operators at a fraction of what it would have cost them by other means.”
The authors advocated for police, military, and intelligence involvement in censorship, across Five Eyes nations, and even suggested that Interpol should be involved.
Breuer spoke freely, openly stating that the information and narrative control he had in mind was comparable to that implemented by the Chinese government, only made more palatable for Americans.
The Misinfosec report focused on information that “changes beliefs” through “narratives,” and recommended a way to counter misinformation by attacking specific links in a “kill chain” or influence chain from the misinfo “incident” before it becomes a full-blown narrative.
The report laments that governments and corporate media no longer have full control of information. “For a long time, the ability to reach mass audiences belonged to the nation-state (e.g. in the USA via broadcast licensing through ABC, CBS and NBC). Now, however, control of informational instruments has been allowed to devolve to large technology companies who have been blissfully complacent and complicit in facilitating access to the public for information operators at a fraction of what it would have cost them by other means.”
The authors advocated for police, military, and intelligence involvement in censorship, across Five Eyes nations, and even suggested that Interpol should be involved.
So as per the secret squirrel-ish image above, dated March 2020, the American Intelligence Community had already decided that for some strange reason, “repeated” or serial passage through animals or cell culture could not be considered at all as a possible source of this pandemic. Wonder how many Langley buttholes puckered-UP tighter than a billionaire's submarine when me and my dad got our paper past peer-review in August 2020?
Although it’s gotten more and more uses in the modern era, historical speaking “serial passage” points directly towards one thing: The development of live-attenuated vaccines. And if you’re looking to develop a live-attenuated vaccine against SARS-like viruses, there’s only one animal you’d use:
“Although different animal models are used in vaccine studies, the most appropriate model for studying SARS is ferret since it develops the typical clinical signs, viral replication patterns and lung pathology compatible with that of SARS pathogenesis in humans.”
So as our peer-reviewed paper pointed-out, there’s only one reason that SARS-CoV-2 would immediately infect mink farms all throughout the western world:
With all this in mind, it becomes inarguable that there’s only one person with the money, power, influence, and connections to steer the entirety of the international discourse away from the truth. So do you think it’s a coincidence that that same person has been intimately involved with the development of live-attenuated vaccines for several decades?
And has an obvious penchant for playing God?
How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global response - with little oversight
The four organizations had worked together in the past, and three of them shared a common history. The largest and most powerful was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest philanthropies in the world. Then there was Gavi, the global vaccine organization that Gates helped to found to inoculate people in low-income nations, and the Wellcome Trust, a British research foundation with a multibillion dollar endowment that had worked with the Gates Foundation in previous years. Finally, there was the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, the international vaccine research and development group that Gates and Wellcome both helped to create in 2017.
While dozens of global health organizations participated in the world’s response to Covid, the POLITICO and WELT investigation focused on these four organizations because of their connections to one another — both Gavi and CEPI received seed funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — and because they together played a critical role in advising governments and the WHO.
The WHO was crucial to the groups’ rise to power. All had longstanding ties to the global health body. The boards of both CEPI and Gavi have a specially designated WHO representative. There is also a revolving door between employment in the groups and work for the WHO: Former WHO employees now work at the Gates Foundation and CEPI; some, such as Chris Wolff, the deputy director of country partnerships at the Gates Foundation, occupy important positions.
Much of the groups’ clout with the WHO stems simply from money. Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, the Gates Foundation, Gavi, and the Wellcome Trust have donated collectively more than $1.4 billion to the WHO — a significantly greater amount than most other official member states, including the United States and the European Commission, according to data provided by the WHO.
“You have to remember that when you’re dealing with the Gates Foundation, it’s almost like you’re dealing with another major country in terms of their donations to these global health organizations,” a former senior U.S. health official said.
Working closely with the WHO, the four groups played a central role in creating an initiative known as the Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator, or ACT-A, that focused on securing and delivering tests, treatments and vaccine doses to low- and middle-income countries across the world. COVAX — a special consortium operated by Gavi, CEPI and UNICEF — is the vaccine pillar of the ACT-A initiative.
But ACT-A missed its delivery goals for 2021 on all three fronts — for testing, vaccine distribution and treatments, according to an independent review by Dalberg Global Development Advisors, a policy advisory firm based in New York.
Our collective history is littered with myths and tales that warn against flying too close to the sun, against trying to leave our humanity behind and become gods ourselves. But it’s becoming increasingly apparent that those warnings have become antiquities, and for several decades Bill Gates has been attempting to treat human nucleotides like cousins to binary computer code.
Instead of like the immutable whispers of the gods, as they really are.
At least the experimentation he’d been doing has been chased out of Africa, however there was nothing and no one at all protecting the Uighurs stuck in China’s concentration camps.
And since Bill Gates and the rest of Big Pharma has been chased out of Africa after all their exploitative experiments, the PLA used the Uighur concentration camps as their testing grounds. It'd be something between poetic and ironic if after swearing "Never Again" following the Holocaust, that humanity watched something very similar happen to the Uighurs, collectively shrugged, and then went extinct because of the experiments run in those camps.
Uighurs are Muslims with good sanitary practices, at the Wuhan Military Games they brought in 250,000 volunteers, so you can imagine the temporary toileting facilities weren't ideal - plus in most of China pooping in a hole in the ground and not washing your hands is fairly common.
OPV reverts back to virulence in the Third World, where there's crowding and bad sanitation, since feces carry the most potent viral load. So although the PLA thought their LAV was safe after testing in the Uighur camps, that was with good community sanitation - at the Wuhan Military Games the transmission dynamics were much stronger due to the poor sanitation and overcrowding, which presented SARS-CoV-2's FCS with the chance to emerge from the swarm and start this pandemic.
That was the fall of 2019, and then by the spring of 2020 the cover-up was already in full-swing. But the bad news for rich sociopaths everywhere is that money can buy an awful lot of things - however it can’t buy you the Truth.
And as this email and subsequent discussion on Slack illustrates, no matter how much money you have - there’s always gonna be someone who does not give a fuck and has absolutely nothing at all left to lose.
Mr. Sirotkin....No one can accuse you of writing articles that aren't thought provoking.
Unfortunately, you bring to life the more seedy elements of humanity.
Question: I'm a little unclear on the relationship between the Wuhan War Games and the Uighurs.
Did the PLA conduct a "trial" of a putative pan-Corona LAV amongst the Uighurs?
Is this consistent with the notion that this virus had escaped much earlier than the fall of 2019?
(That reference to your head deflagrating like an exploding watermelon brought back memories of "The Day of the Jackal"...before your time, but something not easily forgotten)
Great post Dan. Strength and honor.