Welcome to Mengele’s Laboratory
The Epilogue to Golden Silkworms in Pandora’s Box - One Year Later
Dan Sirotkin is the co-author of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which settled a 50-year mystery and formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.
Back in fourth grade when the sheet of paper came around to pick a World War II topic to do a presentation on, Dr. Josef Mengele wasn’t crossed-out yet, and jumped right out at me. Since that was my first exposure to him, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t going to be researching a battlefield medic, the kind I thought my big sister or I might someday grow-up to be, or maybe the sort of kindly research scientist my dad seemed to work alongside when I’d visit his job at NIH on Take Your Kid to Work Days.
Luckily this was long before the internet’s meticulous detailing of wartime atrocities, but even the books in the local library described experiments run inside Auschwitz that made my single-digit brain begin to implode. Conjoined twins torn apart from each other, forced incest among siblings. One night, the Angel of Death would personally murder fourteen twins by injecting chloroform right into their hearts.
An act that would be echoed several decades later, executions by civil servants simply carrying out their orders.
Trials of fire and ice that pushed the limits of human endurance to their very ends, which apparently left lasting knowledge about human physiology to Science, something the books always made sure to explain as apologetically as they could - making it clear to everyone reading that the data in no way excused the horrific suffering that was inflicted on the innocent people in those camps.
Dr. Josef Mengele, called the Angel of Death by his victims, had a special fascination with twins, pregnant women, dwarfs, and anyone else with an unusual phenotype - as a geneticist they presented the ideal templates for his macabre machinations, and the experiments run under his supervision by his dutiful scientists likely inspired the snuff-film genre of horror film that became popular in the late nineties. Mengele was said to have personally performed countless live vivisections, pulling out beating hearts and livers as pulsating sacrifices to his curiosity.
And it wasn’t just Mengele’s experiments that served as a template for horror movies, but his personality as well: Mengele would stroll through his Death Camps with a smiling happy panache, whistling along with a bounce in his step and even offering sweets to his child victims, dropping off a lollipop as he picked out individual executions or ordered the gassing of an entire cell-block.
So if anyone deserved to be punished for their very direct and personal involvement in the Nazi crimes, Dr. Josef Mengele was somewhere near the top of that list. However, as he was fleeing the advancing Red Army from the east, when Mengele was captured by American troops his name wasn’t on the list of war criminals due to oxymoronic nature of “military intelligence,” and so the Angel of Death was able to flee to South America, where he lived a cautious and yet almost normal life for decades before presumably dying of a stroke while out for a swim.
Presumably, because there’s an enormous amount of shuffling around and plenty of alleged sightings and an exhumed corpse all involved with the “verification” of his death, which plenty of folks have never fully accepted. And yet whether or not Joseph Mengele managed to fake his death and flee deeper into South America, his legacy continued on within the scientific community, as morals and ethics were continually bent in the Western world under the guise of “advancing science,” and “international harmony” when all that was really being advanced was individual hubris and narcissism - the pursuit of bigger findings for the even bigger paydays that waited after that.
So what you haven’t realized yet, is that each and every person reading this was unwillingly dragged into Mengele’s lab at some point over the past two years. And that this collective experiment is really just beginning.
The allure of genetic manipulation is one of our defining features as humans, in a sense our very humanity is directly linked into the ability to dominate and then shape nature to our will - without being able to domesticate crops and animals, altering their genetic code to suit our needs and then our whims, human civilization never emerges. And over time, during the course of the past few hundred years, with the invention of microscopes and the discovery of the infinitesimally small world they reveal, the door has been blown wide open for the direct manipulation of genomic material.
Originally this was often accidental, like when Pasteur left chicken cholera out in the sun and accidentally discovered live-attenuated vaccines. However by the twentieth century scientists had begun far more intentional attempts to make vaccines, which was fairly predictable given how incredibly profitable they’ve always been - no one cared about microorganisms in the first place until it was explained that they targeted luxuries: silk and wine crops.
To test these early vaccines, human subjects had to be found, and so American scientists flocked first to orphanages to find victims whose death and disappearance no one would notice. But then when our laws got updated enough to make experimenting on orphans and prisoners and anyone else who’d been institutionalized and forgotten illegal, such as the Willowbrook State School whose heinous experiments on vulnerable kids were revealed in the early 1970s by Geraldo’s expose, that pool of subjects dried up. Then finally with the exposure of the heinous Tuskegee Syphilis Study and MK-ULTRA, it seemed like immoral government-sponsored human experimentation might finally be over.
But then unluckily for all of us, men like Bill Gates didn’t let Tuskegee stop them, and moved on to using Africa as one giant pharmaceutical testing ground in the decades that followed, and so experimental drugs and vaccines were pumped into the continent without anything even vaguely resembling ethical safety controls. And when a company couldn’t afford to get its testing done all the way over in Africa, then there were always plenty of African-Americans and other disenfranchised minorities right at home - slipping through the cracks and just waiting to be double-blinded!
So it is within this intersection that our story starts, between the orphans like Charlton who gave his name to the CHAT-OPV live-attenuated vaccine (LAV), and experiments on unwitting Africans that sparked the entire international AIDS Epidemic, as that deattenuating LAV which had been accidentally spiked with the SIV monkey-virus during serial passage and gone on to begin that terrible plague.
But hey, turns out that there was nothing to really worry about so long as you weren’t a faggot, right?! Since back in the 1980s bigots like Tony Fauci were already attempting to demonize the gay community with one hand while poisoning them with an experimental drug with the other, in a narrative that has replayed itself again during our ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic without even shuffling in a new cast.
Back in 1981 a Soviet research team published a paper which demonstrated that the 1977 H1N1 strain that’d lead to a mysterious global pandemic had in fact been engineered in a laboratory. The hilariously Russian names at the top of the paper got a chuckle out of my dad, who mentioned that some of the old Soviet scientists he’d worked with over the years had mentioned the open secret that when Soviet winters were especially cold, many scientists would smuggle used research animals out for dinner stews.
That presented another avenue for an engineered virus to escape out into the world other than just a vague “leak,” however this old paper didn’t really point in that direction. Instead, it noted that although seven of the genes between the 1977 strain of H1N1 and one older strain were almost exactly the same, one particular protein didn’t line-up with that virus - but with an entirely different, much older virus.
This means this patchwork pandemic H1N1 strain clearly couldn’t have evolved out in nature, but only in the laboratory - through serial passage.
“Serial passage” is used as an umbrella term to encompass several different well-established bio-engineering protocols: two of the main ones are sending a virus through cell cultures which is typically done to attenuate a vaccine candidate strain, as well as passage through live host animals to force zoonosis into a new species, or to establish aerosol transmission within a species where direct-contact transmission is already established.
And it turns out that back in the late seventies, “live attenuated influenza virus (LAIV) research was extensive at the time,” research that would’ve used serial passage as it sought to find progressively weaker and weaker strains. In fact there was even a letter from a former director of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences noting “the introduction of this 1977 virus [as] the result of vaccine trials in the Far East involving the challenge of several thousand military recruits with live H1N1 virus.”
After working real, real hard to whitewash the dangers of gain-of-function research, the paper then concludes that:
“While the use of the 1977 influenza epidemic as a cautionary tale for potential laboratory accidents is expedient, the relevance to GOF research is greatly diminished if the 1977 epidemic was the result of a vaccine trial or vaccine development gone awry; these are both more plausible explanations than a single laboratory accident.”
Now it’s unclear whether Gigi Kwik-Gronvall or Michelle Rozo wrote that passage back in 2015, downplaying the risks of reverting LAVs - but several years later in the summer of 2020 it would be Gigi Kwik-Gronvall who’d be part of a team who’d write me and my dad - just one more act of hubris in a long list, when the most vile criminals humanity has ever known overplayed their hand one last time, and gave up the game.
If they’d never contacted us, I never would’ve had any idea that this entire conspiracy goes all the way up to the CIA and America’s Director of National Intelligence..
When that Soviet paper was published back in 1981, the internet was still a bit off in the distance, however it’s not hard to imagine that it eventually made its way across Robert Gallo’s desk, while he was hard at work on retroviruses and furiously digging for the origins of AIDS. Tellingly, he’d go on to spend many years lying about the fact that he’d gotten the notorious virus he’d been researching from France, and it wasn’t something he’d independently isolated, a crime he wouldn’t apologize for until years later.
And there’d be good reason for Gallo to be on the lookout for anything in the scientific literature relating to serial passage through cell cultures, since a few years earlier in 1978 he’d been a key player in the founding of the Special Virus-Cancer Program, formed in large part because of how often the monkey virus SV-40 was being introduced into human research and vaccine lines especially during serial passage experiments, causing concerns it might be seeding cancers.
Then a few years later in 1982, Gallo would receive his first prestigious Lasker Award for being the first to associate this specific retrovirus with cancers, and then two more years later in 1984, his team would publish a series of four papers asserting together that the virus he’d gotten the Lasker for was in fact the cause of AIDS.
And although there’s nothing in these papers about SIV or the virus’s possible origins, there was probably no one else on the planet more capable and prepared than Gallo to read that Soviet paper about serial passage causing some but not all shared genes to line-up, and realize that the same phenomenon might apply to HIV and SIV, with SIV serving the same role as SV-40, a monkey virus that’d been introduced into human cell lines via vaccine research and gone on to infect humans prior to the emergence of HIV.
Since when you compare HIV and SIV, you also find that their genes appear to have aged out-of-sync with each other, and so determining when a theoretical evolution from SIV into HIV happened has no good answer. Scientists wave their hands a bunch and offer explanations, but by this measure HIV is just as unnatural as the 1977 H1N1 strain, probably more so since several genes are out of sync instead of just one.
And so back in the 1980s, Tony Fauci was brought in by Robert Gallo to occlude HIV’s origins in the CHAT-OPV vaccine programs, understanding how the viral contamination across cell-lines happened. But whether or not that’s ever proven - Fauci definitely got installed to push AZT as an unproven but miraculous solution.
Nearly nothing has changed, except for instead of a virus that only spreads through blood and sexual fluids, ours spreads right through the air. Might be a tiny bit more of a problem. And Tony’s old pal Robert Gallo has now become a horcrux for both Joseph Mengele and Joseph Goebbels - first pioneering the military cancer-vaccine research programs that emerged from experiments like the CHAT-OPV and lead to SARS-CoV-2, and now writing propaganda for Time Magazine while trying once again to gaslight the American people into complacency about an incredibly lethal virus whose origins Gallo is helping to occlude.
But not without some help.
Robert Gallo, Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Ralph Baric, Kristian Andersen, Francis Collins, Edward Holmes, Angela Rasmussen, Peter Daszak, Richard Ebright, Alina Chan, Jamie Metzl, Avril Haines, Josh Rogin.
Dr. Joseph Mengele, who haunted millions during the Holocaust, never died. His corpse may or may not have been found off the coast of Paraguay, but regardless his spirit is still living on - alive and well, inside those empty soulless vessels. They are carrying on his work of making most morally bankrupt research imaginable seem palatable and somehow okay, as Alina Chan splices Ebola into human cells with DARPA funding, and then happily emerges as the locus of a Limited Hangout meant to hide SARS-CoV-2’s obvious origins in the most dangerous vaccine research humanity has ever known - live-attenuated vaccines that have the propensity to revert back to invincible highly-pathogenic chimeras that blow through vaccine-induced and natural immunity alike.
Alina Chan might be Mengele’s most powerful horcrux, even inheriting Mengele’s smile - with a glowing profile being printed by The New York Times presenting her as a brave hope, while she does everything she can do bury the truth that this novel virus is a result of her favorite kind of gain-of-function research, serial passage, by pretending to pursue the possibility of a lab origin while making sure no one actually goes down the lonely path that leads to the truth.
Alina Chan understands exactly what she’s doing, although she probably doesn’t understand exactly how much innocent blood she’s soaking in right now. She will soon though.
We all reap what we sow, whether we realize it or not.
But her entire act wouldn’t be possible unless the rest of the academic and scientific communities hadn’t stood silently by watching, saying nothing as her lies allow the entire face of the planet to be poisoned by SARS-CoV-2, the LAV whose origins she’s been tasked with occluding. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good people do nothing.
Shortly after the paper I wrote with my dad’s guidance was published in August 2020, Might SARS-CoV-2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture? - focusing on the likely use of cell cultures, humanized ACE2-transgenic mice, and ferrets in the development of our novel coronavirus - a very odd group of scientists contacted us, including Gigi Kwik-Gronvall, as well as a former Secretary of the Navy, Richard Danzig, who was the author and sender of the email.
He wrote because our assertion that the 1997 H1N1 strain had definitely been engineered wasn’t properly cited, since it only referenced the Kwik-Gronvall paper quoted above, which didn’t make that claim. At first I panicked, but then I remembered trying to trim footnotes off different versions of that paper to get under the limit, and removing a second citation that I thought also made the same point. That’s the 1981 Soviet paper mentioned above which got removed, demonstrating that the 1977 strain had in fact been serially passaged, since that was the only plausible way to explain the miss-matched genes.
So I passed that accidently elided 1981 Soviet paper along, and then didn’t really think anything of it - our peer-reviewed paper had only been published in BioEssays for a few weeks, so I figured maybe more folks would be reaching out shortly - getting a controversial paper published in a peer-reviewed journal was a big fucking deal! And our assertions about serial passage seemed fairly self-evident to me at the time, of course using animals trapped in a lab to force zoonosis could explain the origins of this virus, and yet in the months leading up to our paper, NIH’s Director Francis Collins had making official statements pushing the idea that a lab origin was a conspiracy theory:
Wondering if there is something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy,” Collins wrote on April 16, 2020, in reference to a Fox News segment on the lab-leak theory. “I hoped the Nature Medicine article on the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would settle this. But probably didn’t get much visibility. Anything more we can do?”
And no one was contradicting him. None of the scientists my dad had worked with, nor anyone else attached to the government. Nor anyone at all attached to the biomedical research community who’s been accepting their tens of millions in funding was calling out this transparent lie, and the Fascist undertones of his assertions.
Before they emailed us I’d never heard of Richard Danzig or Kwik-Gronvall or anyone else on the email, but a little digging revealed that Danzig spent 2018 directly lobbying with the help of Johns Hopkins for more scientific and academic engagement and cooperation with the CCP, especially if another pandemic broke out:
This global environment requires that a successful American security strategy do more than attempt to prevail in or manage competition; it must artfully blend and balance competition and cooperation. This is particularly evident in our relations with China, a nation whose economic power, we have emphasized, is approaching America’s and will probably come to exceed it. In this context, our recommended strategic premises encourage a willingness to take risks for peace that at least approaches our acceptance of risk in conflict. This example provides some illustrations of how our call for cooperative initiatives might be translated into action.
So it may be in the years ahead. If, for example, a highly contagious disease like SARS broke out in North Korea, we believe the resulting concerns would render America and China, at least for these purposes, allies.
A paper he wrote alongside the person who was then the head of the CIA and is now the Director of National Intelligence (and soon to be oxymorons), Avril Haines. And so maybe it should raise a few eyebrows that the sitting Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, attempted to scrub existence of his company’s efforts to aid and abet the CCP placing students and researchers into American institutions and especially key STEM programs via multi-million dollar contracts from the internet.
This company, WestExec Advisors, is also tied to the current Press Secretary, Jen Psaki.
And it was only co-founded by Blinken, its other founder writes other whitepapers alongside Avril Haines, since it’s all one big happy not-even-vaguely-corrupt-and-compromised Chinese-controlled mob family. And then speaking of at least partially Chinese-controlled, shortly after their August 2020 email about our missing citation, Boston Magazine published their horseshit expose on Alina Chan written by some jackass who’d previously been writing about fancy fucking oysters, in early September 2020 a few weeks after the publication of our first peer-reviewed paper.
Pretty much all of these traitors are bound together by Event 201, where Avril Haines, Bill Gates, and the CCP hoped to watch the successful application of their pan-coronavirus LAV at the Wuhan Military Games together, but instead history repeated itself in the most poetic way possible as an FCS re-emerged from SARS-CoV-2’s swarm and allowed for airborne transmission - just like in the 2012 experiments with ferrets and avian influenzas:
In each of the 2012 serial passage experiments with influenza strains and ferrets, the FCS didn’t appear as a response to the challenge of airborne transmission between hosts, it existed in a very small frequency within each H5N1 swarm prior to each experiment - getting created not by a natural predictable process, but instead by the direct artificial outside manipulation of scientists - and then quickly reached majority status once the bottleneck of jumping from ferret-to-ferret in the air was presented as an evolutionary opportunity.
It was observed by each team after successful airborne transmission between ferrets, however before this challenge was presented to the H5N1 swarms, they were both first heavily mutated by artificial outside means - directly splicing in genes from H1N1 in the case of Dr. Yoshiro Kawaoka, and bathing the swarm in a mutagen in the case of Dr. Ron Fouchier - both artificial, inherently sloppy, and unpredictable processes a long way from surgically splicing precise nucleotides in-and-out, which led to the cryptic emergence of the FCS in small minority subpopulations of their swarms prior to their presentation to ferrets for passaging.
These were the events that created the FCS during those experiments, the outside intervention of scientists intent on carrying out their gain-of-function experiments - not the challenge of jumping through the air between ferrets. Once it exists anywhere in the swarm, the FCS is going to remain at levels that are too small for typical detection until its special ability is called for: Airborne transmission between mammalian hosts.
So realizing that our paper would blow this entire thing wide open if it got any press at all, since serial passage and the FCS’s disappearing act would point so clearly back to vaccine-work, in August of 2020 after our paper was published, Collins and Fauci made sure that Alina Chan was presented to the world as the face of the idea that this pandemic might have started because of laboratory engineering to distract from our paper.
A distraction that culminated in that September article in Boston Magazine, almost exactly a month after our peer-reviewed paper highlighting serial passage had been published. Simultaneously as that article was being written in August 2020, Avril Haines, America’s sitting Director of National Intelligence, had her buddy Dick Danzig write the email about our citation, since at the time they thought we couldn’t prove the 1977 H1N1 strain had in fact been engineered and could force our paper to backpedal.
A few months later, Josh Rogin’s Shylock ass called me to talk for a few hours and then proceeded to pretend like our work didn’t exist while writing countless pieces about the possibility of a lab leak and selling his book about China. Then later in the fall another reporter would contact me and my dad, interview us for several hours, and then publish his piece in New York Magazine in December 2020 that openly stole several of our ideas and failed to mention our paper at all despite the fact we had clear and undisputed primacy. While all of this was happening, I kept expecting someone to come forward and condemn what was going on.
My father and I had kicked the peer-reviewed door open, the scientific community was supposed to be built on the idea of respecting others’ ideas. Without that, there’s nothing.
But my dad had given me the impression that NIH had issued everyone a gag-order about discussing COVID’s origins “using government resources,” which seemed like the only red-flag anyone would ever need. Whether or not that was ever formally put in writing, his contacts with senior scientists he’d known for decades about our original peer-reviewed paper made it clear that a de facto gag-order was in place. So if these scientists had any ethics at all, they wouldn’t let a directive like that stop the discussion - It was the mostly comically Fascist move imaginable by NIH’s senior staff.
But no one said anything.
Phil Murphy, the Chief of NIAID’s Molecular Signaling division had watched us write our paper and was fully aware of the rampant plagiarism, but never attempted to set the record straight and so seemed totally fine with our work being stolen. However given that he’s been at NIAID a long time and goes back decades with his buddy Tony, that probably shouldn’t have been a surprise. Especially because when FOIAs would finally reveal Tony Fauci’s communications with other senior scientists as they plotted their cover-up, serial passage was at the center of the discussion.
Why is it that not a single contact at NIH was willing to help with our paper in any form at all, other than Phil Murphy who stole public credit for the idea of “serial passage” in the mainstream media? Or publicly support it in any way at all, instead of sitting back as it was stolen out from under us over and over again?
How could every other virologist on Earth, and all these folks with fancy degrees and decades of experience, have missed serial passage as an obvious part of the story? Why did the virus jump into mink farms all over the world? Because lab ferrets are the most commonly used animal to attenuate down vaccine strains - this is completely and irrevocably obvious to everyone involved with vaccine research.
Why were my dad and I the only ones pushing how obviously engineered this virus was and how much danger that could mean, and why was everyone else trying to bury our paper and the truth?
How come not a single scientist has ever publicly supported us this entire time, why have they all tucked their tails between their legs and hidden from the death that’s happening due to the obfuscation of the NIH and so many other parts of the federal government, as well as the entirety of the biomedical research community that feeds off their unending millions in funding?
This means every single person drawing a paycheck from the National Institutes of Health or who’s accepted their many millions in funding, who is in a position of public trust as a scientist being paid by our tax dollars, sitting by silently watching the lies and the dissimulation and this horrific kabuki performance has now become very much a part of it. If you have been obeying the Fascist directive from Francis Collins not to discuss the possibility of a laboratory origin of this virus, you are no different from the Nazi officers who sat silently as the Holocaust consumed millions and millions of innocent lives.
“Wonder where my neighbors keep disappearing to? Oh well I just do the accounting, my hands aren’t bloodied by whatever’s going on, and me and my family are safe.” What percentage of the Nazi Party could argue they had no idea about the Death Camps? Seventy-five percent? Does that in any was absolve someone from their involvement with the atrocities of the Holocaust, because you were an accountant in a big city who never saw a single camp, only his undesirable neighbors slowly disappearing while the Fascist propaganda blared from your television?
Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that research scientists got their code of ethics specifically because of these Nazi atrocities, when the Nuremberg Code set aside a specific section about “Permissible Medical Experiments” which clearly got chucked out the window awhile back by everyone involved with covering-up the origins of this pandemic:
“The history of gain-of-function research is one of science's most significant and troubling, especially since the Nuremberg Code, research scientists’ Hippocratic Oath, dictates that experiments that could endanger human life should only occur if the potential humanitarian benefits significantly outweigh the risks.”
The COVID-19 Pandemic is now estimated to have killed some 18 million people all across the planet, as a conservative estimate at least 40 million more are already crippled with Long Covid. And this is just beginning, there is quite literally no end in sight.
However there are scores and scores of cowards more worried about keeping their paycheck coming in than they are about those millions of deaths, and the unthinkable tsunami of suffering that is coming for America and the rest of the planet. Supposedly the Western world decided after World War II that following orders was in no way an excuse for atrocities, and just because this atrocity is unfolding in slow-motion and claiming its lives over the course of months and years instead of instantaneously in those cold concentration camp showers - the Evil is no different.
It’s arguably far worse, since at first glance it doesn’t seem like Alina Chan is anywhere near as close to the death and suffering as Josef Mengele was, however the virus whose origins she is very directly distracting from is going to cause orders of magnitude more suffering than the entire Nazi system was ever able to cause. Mengele was constrained mostly to Auschwitz, and was only ever able to personally torment a few thousand people and cause the death of perhaps tens of thousands at most. The entire Nazi Party didn’t manage to escape too far out of Europe.
Alina Chan thinks the entire face of the planet is her plaything, she has a book deal and countless plaudits in the media to show for her part in the worst crime that humans have ever been able to devise - the release of an experimental untested military LAV, and the subsequent push for experimental single-protein gene-therapies that were first tested within China’s Uighur Concentration Camps. She works for the Broad Institute, which has been the center of biomedical engineering and is seeking to do even more - not once has she ever given even a shred of proof that any of her superiors have done anything than to keep doing exactly what she’s been doing because they ordered her to start doing it in the first place.
And the media gobbles it all up, regurgitating it back into the dying mouths of Americans gasping for their last breath. Something that’s going to become increasingly difficult as COVID invades more and more brains, using a novel neurological mechanism to penetrate deep within them, and then heading right towards our most vital neurological machinery:
“SARS-CoV-2 appears to follow neuroanatomical structures, penetrating defined neuroanatomical areas including the primary respiratory and cardiovascular control center in the medulla oblongata.”
The illicit testing at the Uighur Concentration Camps is the single greatest secret that’s being buried, it’s why Tony Fauci and Bill Gates have been so cavalier pushing through this experimental mRNA gene-therapy under an EUA intentionally designed to bypass the testing that typically takes years - they’d already seen the data from those camps that makes the mRNA vaccines appear to be safe.
After all, as a billionaire owner of an NBA team recently bragged on his podcast, “Nobody cares about the Uighurs.” And how in the heck else would this vaccine have been so miraculously ready for testing just a few weeks into the pandemic, but now for some reason there’s no booster in sight after two years? Where did this supposedly miraculous “vaccine” come from, why is Big Pharma pushing so hard to keep all records relating to it buried?
Because the mRNA single-protein gene therapies were engineered on the Uighur people inside those camps, continuing the long line of immoral medical experimentation on helpless subjects that stretches from there to America’s orphanages and all the way to Africa’s hidden jungles. And now finally, to the entire world’s cities and suburbs.
The AIDS Epidemic was caused by illicit testing of the CHAT-OPV vaccine that was done on unwitting African subjects deep inside the Dark Continent where they’d never be found, an event that would echo many decades later when Uighur Concentration Camps would serve as the proving grounds for the experimental gene-therapy that’s been mistakenly named a “vaccine” for COVID-19.
And the parallels go well beyond the dehumanizing greed and experimentation involved in both cases, since SARS-CoV-2 has already begun to murmur with many of HIV’s most haunting abilities, showing the world what happens when a LAV spreads its terrible wings.
However one of the reasons this has all gone on for so long is that previously LAVs that went wrong managed to dissipate on its own, but that’s not on the table for our novel coronavirus, since like HIV it’s starting from a virus entirely alien to our immune systems:
It’s almost certainly the past reversions of H1N1 LAVs in 1977 and 2009 that seemed to eventually just melt away, which sociopaths like Richard Ebright and the rest of his sweaty socially-retarded buddies at JASON are using to assure everyone that SARS-CoV-2, another LAV that’s reverting, will just melt away in just a few more months - just like H1N1 seems to have done twice. And since SARS and MERS, artificial coronavirus chimeras that got out before deattenuation all the way down into LAVs, went away on their own - they think all signs point to that happening again.
Both HIV and SARS-CoV-2 have the ability to infect immature red blood cells, causing a drastic imbalance in their level and throwing oxygen levels out of whack - something not observed in other viruses. Building on this mimicry, they also both directly infect and destroy CD4+ T cells, using a similar mechanism - their mass death is the hallmark of HIV’s first ravages. And they share a number of other eerie evolutionary parallels:
“Both viruses evolve using insertions, deletions, and recombination in addition to base substitution. Both viruses evolve under immune pressure and have circulating variants with mutations in key epitope regions that confer relative resistance to neutralizing antibodies; indels are important for the evolution of antibody resistance in both HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. Both viruses have heavily glycosylated receptor-binding surface proteins that enable entry into host cells”
Even more alarming, SARS-CoV-2 has begun targeting white blood cells, the immune system’s defenders, by disrupting their basic metabolic functions. Our novel coronavirus has also been observed reactivating endogenous retroviruses within white blood cells, something that also occurs as HIV develops into AIDS, attacking helpful T-cells in a similar fashion to HIV, and also invading our white blood cells without even needing to use ACE2.
And in a pattern that began in the first weeks of the pandemic when a preprint highlighting the parallel epitopes carried by both HIV and SARS-CoV-2 was retracted due to political pressure, likely due to the fact that they realized how much convergent evolution there was between HIV and SARS-CoV-2 since they’re both part of deattenuating LAVs, this paper draws eerie parallels to Gallo’s Special Virus Cancer Program:
“Major signaling pathways implicated in aberrant cellular growth are activated, the ensuing cytokine storm weakens the immune system response to tumors, and patients may develop cancer as a result of superimposed mutagenic and/or carcinogenic events. Future work needs to be performed to support this hypothesis, both in in vitro models and preclinical studies. COVID-19 patients may need to be monitored post-infection for developing cancer.”
…a paper that was also withdrawn for no apparent reason. Maybe that paper might’ve made Robert Gallo just a little bit nervous and uncomfortable, so he ordered it yanked like the HIV paper was back in the early weeks of the pandemic. After all, he’s far more familiar than most with the relationship between viruses and cancer:
And by 1990 anyone studying HIV would’ve been aware of the fact that accidentally introducing SIV into human subjects can instantaneously lead to the expression of antibodies to HIV, since a CDC worker accidentally passaged SIV from a sick macaque into himself, and then quickly seroconverted as if he’d been infected by HIV from a sexual partner.
Although this infection wasn’t strong enough to transmit, it inarguably demonstrates that had SIV been introduced en masse via the contaminated CHAT-OPV vaccines - the HIV epidemic would easily have been seeded. And just like SARS-C0V-2 is growing stronger the more it transmits, HIV was recently discovered to have a new more virulent strain that emerged in the Netherlands - needing decades to consolidate through sexual fluids and needles, instead of the weeks COVID needs through the air.
So while HIV needed decades for enough transmission to occur to pump out a new variant, COVID’s airborne nature means everyone breathing in a closed room is effectively participating in an unwilling respiratory viral bukkake all over their neighbors, as they all return the favor. Sharing air with strangers in a commercial public space with COVID is immunologically no different than having orgies with HIV, and this ongoing transmission has allowed our novel coronavirus to revert much farther back towards its original and strongest highly-pathogenic form.
On a fundamental molecular level, SARS-CoV-2 has been becoming more thermodynamically stable as it gets closer to its original form, allowing initial infections to more easily penetrate deeper into host bodies. And this thermodynamic stability also translates into structural stability, allowing the virus to exist for longer and longer on surfaces, as the newer Omicron variant lasts between three and five times longer than earlier strains depending on the surface they’re being tested on.
This is correlated with how much stronger our novel coronavirus is compared to the flu, since while influenza is inactivated just floating around in the air after just thirty minutes it takes SARS-CoV-2 days to become inactivated in typical commercial air. A phenomenon that likely contributes to the fact that the Omicron variant is now seven-times more lethal than influenza in Hong Kong’s children.
And while the virus is growing sturdier, it’s also regaining more of its highly-pathogenic capabilities and gaining the ability to infect new mammalian hosts. Newer variants are beginning to show the ability to infect hosts ranging from mice, marmosets, and koalas all the way to rats and civets. Jumping into rats is an inevitability that will turn every urban sewer on earth into white-hot forges for new swarming variants, other mutations waiting to happen have the potential to increase binding by one-thousand fold. And beginning to explore a jump into civets is a reminder that they were incorrectly identified as the original host for the first SARS - all samples jumped from humans into civets, not the other way around - a chimeric virus with roughly a 15% mortality rate.
There is nothing slowing this reversion down, the futility of all the vaccination programs is even more apparent than it was a year ago, as new studies “suggest that SARS-CoV-2 is diverging into distinct serological phenotypes and that vaccines tailored to one variant may become vulnerable to infections with another." And due to the emergence of new serotypes, the first step for ADE, it already appears as if troublesome infection-enhancing antibodies are emerging in spike-protein gene-therapy recipients who are exposed to newer variants - while ADE didn’t appear with exposure to the original Wuhan strain, even just the Delta variant was already beginning to use ADE against us.
This means newer, stronger variants will inevitably produce more ADE within vaccinated populations, all the while this Presidential Administration has very intentionally chosen political expediency instead of public health, embodying the Nazi ideal of telling its victims they’re just headed off to the showers as part of their normal routine - when really the system they’re a part of is dictating their eventual and inevitable execution:
SARS-CoV-2 is nothing like the flu. It will never become an endemic disease. You should fear it, because it’s already killed untold millions of people and left tens of millions more permanently crippled. Repeated exposure to this virus will lead to your inevitable death, but first you’ll likely be bedridden with a cornucopia of neurological conditions that’ll first just make you wish you were dead.
The Biden Administration now embodies the Fascism that first emerged as the Nazi Party, with Gallo and Chan as its Mengele, while being aided and abetted by a media that has become solely their propaganda arm, and a scientific community too cowardly and greedy to do anything other than what their decrepit, corrupt old bosses are telling them as they rot away in their fancy suits before retiring to their multi-million dollar Big Pharma-filled investment accounts.
Fascism that’s echoing across the pond to the rest of the West, as in Sweden doctors mimicked Mengele’s macabre executions by killing dozens of the elderly by injecting lethal doses of morphine directly into their veins since caring for them any longer had become too much of a burden due to the rampant spread of this pandemic. Horribly harkening back to the injections given by Joseph of Mengele, known as the Angel of Death by his victims.
But perhaps it’s important to keep in mind where that name originally comes from, and the warnings the biblical Angel of Death was trying to give us.
In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh was literally a god down from heaven: His word was law, and his will directed the course of an entire civilization. Now that humanity has diversified a bit and managed to organize ourselves into societies that are orders-of-magnitude more complex and interconnected, there no longer seems to be a place for any one man to become a god-king on Earth.
However there is something close, since after Citizens United decided that corporations were in fact people as far as hundreds of millions of dollars of annual campaign donations were disguised as “free speech,” starting in 2010 every American corporation gained the ability to donate infinite amounts of money to as many political campaigns as they wanted.
And donate they did, several billions worth that would cause Congress to reshape the legal medical landscape to the point that over the next decade American healthcare costs would continue to balloon so much that insulin is marked up thousands of percent, and medical insurance costs have exploded to the point where fully two-thirds of bankruptcies in America are related to medical expenses.
This dynamic has already packed tens of thousands of our societies’ most vulnerable into factories and warehouses during the pandemic, desperate to keep food on their families’ tables and roofs over their heads, and forced to work - not in a camp, at least - but in conditions that are now killing and debilitating endless wave after wave. More literally than we’d like to think, we are now very much all in this together.
So if you’re wondering why this current Presidential Administration seems to be much more interested in winning elections and vaccine sales than the preservation of human life? That’s because our government is currently owned and operated by Fascism and Big Pharma, which is why it’s been unabashedly gaslighting us all about the nature of reinfections to hide their rampant spread, and attempting to force everyone back into the office so that the commercial real estate market doesn’t collapse.
The pandemic is over, we’ve been told. Back to work, don’t you want to be free?
But luckily for us, human societies can only be pushed so far. There’s a certain point where it becomes obvious to absolutely everyone that the Pharaohs are not only stark naked, but the only clothes they’re wearing are made from a fiat currency that’s already on its way to being useless. And so at a certain point, once enough grandmothers have been drowned in their own spit and enough children buried, the coercive power a government has over a society will shatter, and all trust in any sort of central authority will be abandoned.
And when that happens, there’s only one fate that waits for our modern Pharaohs, since after profiting from the exploitation and predation of others, there is always a price to pay.
Sometimes you pay it, and sometimes your bloodline does later - but Azrael is waiting, the ancient and original Angel of Death, and he will arrive on the desperate backs of broken souls who have nothing left to lose, to purge away all of the Evil that so many saw with wide-open eyes, and yet chose to do nothing to stop.
Welcome to Mengele’s Laboratory, don't worry if you feel a little uncomfortable right now – you'll feel right at home just as soon as you hit the showers.
Dedicated to my late, great uncle Dr. Phil Sirotkin (1923-2007), who spent 1943 to 1946 in Army Intelligence, where he became fluent in the Russian language before going on to serve as an associate director of NIMH.
And although he never spoke a word about it, it seems reasonable to imagine he helped hunt down the Rosenbergs, since we now know from decrypted and unclassified Russian communications snagged by the Venona Project, that as far back as 1944 intercepted cables were already building the case leading to their espionage convictions.
And of course, executions.
I am still reading and it is VERY interesting! but I have a question: You say
"Back in 1981 a Soviet research team published a paper which demonstrated that the 1977 H1N1 strain that’d lead to a mysterious but short global pandemic had in fact been engineered in a laboratory. The names at the top of the paper got a chuckle out of my dad, who mentioned that some of the old Soviet scientists he’d worked with over the years had mentioned the open secret that when Soviet winters were especially cold, many scientists would smuggle used research animals out for dinner. "
This paragraph has a link to an embopress article that does not seem to be related to "H1N1 strain that’d lead to a mysterious but short global pandemic had in fact been engineered in a laboratory. "
Was that the link you intended? thanks
Exceptional essay.