I am still reading and it is VERY interesting! but I have a question: You say

"Back in 1981 a Soviet research team published a paper which demonstrated that the 1977 H1N1 strain that’d lead to a mysterious but short global pandemic had in fact been engineered in a laboratory. The names at the top of the paper got a chuckle out of my dad, who mentioned that some of the old Soviet scientists he’d worked with over the years had mentioned the open secret that when Soviet winters were especially cold, many scientists would smuggle used research animals out for dinner. "

This paragraph has a link to an embopress article that does not seem to be related to "H1N1 strain that’d lead to a mysterious but short global pandemic had in fact been engineered in a laboratory. "

Was that the link you intended? thanks

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Ah crap thanks so much!! Used the wrong tab, fixed the link and also here's the correct paper:


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Thanks!!! I enjoyed your last article, still have a tab full of studies to read.

Who -- what sorts of people -- and how many -- will remain alive 20 years from now, you think?

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Lots and lots.

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Maybe the reason why I have not gotten Covid twice so far, is that my Nov 2020 covid was still close to Wuhan variant and actually a "vaccine"? I keep wondering about it. I am unvaxed

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Everybody is going to get light protection from successfully fighting off an early variant, but it's in no way permanent or durable.

If you don't nasal irrigate after every public exposure it is going to get you

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Thanks. You do not think that constant exposure keeps my immunity primed, no? It might not work the way I am presuming.

What do you buy for nasal irrigation? I will try it.

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So as I read this as I have read every article you have written, it sounds like we are screwed whether we got the original Wuhan virus or we got the jab. I was hoping since I had it in March 2020 I may have some super protection vs. all my friends who are lining up for never ending boosters. I have so many family members getting advanced cancer diagnosis out of the blue and dying. Its truly frightening...

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Exceptional essay.

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Thanks so much, should have part V of "dreamers down from the mountains" out in early May in case you need more to read!!

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First off, congratulations on making Geert Vanden Bossche sound like an optimist. Well done. Second, I'm still waiting on the explanation for how convergent evolution happens in species thousands of miles away. I have yet to hear/read a convincing explanation of how this "works", and given your penchant for weaving substack tease-prose I'm confident you could spread the explanation out over months of posts keeping me interested the whole way. More dreamers down from the mountain! But yeah, this is good stuff...you roped me in for a few more months. Now back to apocalypse planning for me.

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Got part V of dreamers coming out in early May!! And unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to answer that one, it definitely happens but how and why exactly isn't understood yet. But if you want some rabbitholes, MGD is going to hold the answers:


Best I can do is it's related to the fractal convergence you see between things like rivers and veins, natural systems find the most efficient way to do things. For flowing water that tends to look the patterns we see with wending rivers and then their deltas, so veins look like that too. And trees look similar to moss, especially when you zoom way in on the moss or way out on the forest.

So my guess is genetics function the same way, finding the most efficient way to code certain information and build proteins that do certain functions.

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"Welcome to Mengele’s Laboratory, don't worry if you feel a little uncomfortable right now – you'll feel right at home just as soon as you hit the showers."

That line sent chills through me like Silence of the Lambs Hannibal just walked in the room and whispered in my ear. True evil is palpable and cannot be unseen. Though nearly every trace of me has been wiped from the Internet I have been tracking the psychos, playing God with genetic engineering, for over two decades. The levels of complicity and cowardice by so many who could be so impactful by speaking truth but stay silent is perpetually mind boggling.

Like you, just seeing the names associated with the programs paints a nefarious picture no amount of legacy media manipulation disguises. The efforts to obfuscate magnify my concerns but nothing has put fear into my heart like this nightmare you've detailed.

Heart wrenching sadness and terror aside, thank you for heavyweight blows in the fight. Whatever lies ahead will require Herculean effort and vast collective brain power from a fearless resistance.

It's a battle I naively believed would have been won long before we arrived here and left me to knitting not fighting in my old age. Instead I feel oddly blessed to have a life filled with with so many folks of integrity and passion waging war for the soul of humanity. God bless us all.


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Well damn that article is creepy as hell, I wonder how much that kind of thing has happened before. There's been loads of wild birds dropping out of the sky in America recently too... I thought it was climate shit, but yeah wow.

And welcome to the party!!! But sadly I dunno how much fighting there's gonna be in the short term anyway, pretty sure things have reached the point where folks are gonna have to learn the hard way that they've been lied to for a long time.

Until some established journalist finds their balls nothing is gonna change... but in the meantime might as well spread the truth as best we can to anyone who's listening I guess.

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One of the scientists on my list of trusted sources tracking this for ages is Jonathan Latham at Bioscience Resource Project.. Not only does he know the genetics he knows the politics and players and has good ties to the gmo-free activist community that has done so much in publishing Monsanto and BSL evidence. The third video is a good snapshot of this overlap.

"The military has its academic industrial complex and so does virus research. The Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex (PVIC) is busy on many fronts, one of which is actively trying to obscure the likely lab origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In this video, Dr Jonathan Latham, PhD, shares insights into the functioning and organization of the various elements that constitute the PVIC. How do its academic, military, and commercial aspects interact? Who, if anyone, pulls the strings?"



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Yeah he's very actively been either ignoring my work or stealing from it for two years so that'll be a hard pass thanks.

I explained everything in the golden silkworms essay a year ago, the world is ignoring it and so here we are.

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Excellent essay Dan. I am sharing this now.

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Thanks again!!

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You’re probably right and I will especially agree with they don’t realize what they’ve done. The world doesn’t need to be like this yet it is. Thank you always for trying to shine the light on these truths. I spread this around with friends and family but I get nowhere. I can’t believe my own eyes and ears; the silence is killing many

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On this Good Friday I read this well documented tragedy of human experimentation. I currently am well, unvaxed and very very concerned about what's coming. Thank you for bearing your soul in this article, and exposing your truth to what all mankind is facing - soon. I still cannot help wonder if the experiment is to exterminate, who will be left to serve this supposed NWO? Where do you think all this really heading Dan? I'm continually sorry for the silence that you and your family are subjected to - truly.

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There is absolutely nobody in charge, there is no New World order or illuminati or anything else, it's just rich old assholes who think they are gods and don't know what they are doing, and don't realize what they've done. 

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Due to the Swarm you would expect the progression back to V-1000 to be quicker in China as appears to be happening in Shanghai right now?

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Not necessarily, I have no idea what kind of policies have really been enforced, this is all going to just happen in front of us, look at what happened in Hong Kong

Just watch man

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I'm prone to think only revenge remains. But there is movement in the hierarchal administration and this link is an indication of an offensive front: https://www.internationalcovidsummit.com/declaration

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Great article. I still think chat stands for chimpanzee attenuated. Don't ask Koprowsky!

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Yeah it seems like a huge disservice to Charlton not to acknowledge his abuse and murder.

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Apr 26, 2022
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Yup I think there's a very good reason they freaked out about that initial paper pointing out the similarities to HIV, way too close to a very dangerous truth.

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Apr 2, 2022
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Enjoy them nightmares!!

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